nothing in the world feels like coming home

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Selena quietly closed the door behind her and tiptoed through the kitchen.

She's trying to stay quiet but it's almost impossible because of how excited she is. She's been away for the past couple of months on tour and she wanted to surprise you by coming home early.

It's almost two am and she knows you're sound asleep and the last thing she wants to do is startle you. So she slid her shoes off and left them on the mat before she started to climb up the stairs, taking them one by one to ensure she wouldn't be loud enough to wake you.

She saw the door was open just a crack so she pushed it open the rest of the way. There you slept peacefully on the bed and the sight absolutely melted her heart.

It's been so long since Selena has last seen you and in that moment, she felt herself become overwhelmed with love for you. She's missed you more than words could ever say and to finally be back home with you made her so happy.

She went over to her side of the bed and put her hand on your back. You stirred in your sleep before you rolled onto your back and slowly opened your eyes. You jumped when you realized someone was in the room with you but when you realized it was Selena you kicked the blankets off and scooted over to her.

"Selena?" You reached out to touch her because it felt like a dream. You needed to know, really know, that she was there with you. You stroked her arm, her warm and soft skin against your fingertips making it all hit you. "You're really home?"

Selena had the biggest, brightest smile on her face. "I'm home, baby girl!"

You threw your arms around her and felt her hug you back. "I've missed you so much," she whispered as she held you close before laying a kiss to your lips. "Missed you too."

You pulled away and let her climb into bed next to you. You felt her arm wrap around you and you couldn't help but wrap your hand in hers. You were so tired, but Selena couldn't blame you because so was she.

As much as she loves touring she hasn't exactly slept much over the past couple of months, so she was happy to be back in bed, and back with you.

"I can't wait to spend tomorrow with you and tell you all about the tour. But for now, I'm tired and I know you are too, so let's just sleep for now. I love you." She whispered and felt her heart hammer against her chest when you passionately kissed her for the first time in what felt like forever.

"Love you too, Selena. I can't wait to hear all about it. I'm so happy you're home!" You said as she laid her head against your back. You both closed your eyes, and with your legs tangled together and one of your hands intertwined with hers, you were ready to have a well-rested night again, back in Selena's arms once more.

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