piano lessons - part two (requested)

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Setting your bag down on the floor, you were greeted to a quiet and empty living room. You were gonna go investigate and look around for Selena and Rosie when the sound of a piano and tiny giggles that were clearly emitted from your young daughter upstairs.

You tiptoed up each step. You could hear Selena humming before you even reached the room, and the sight that your eyes were met with was one that had your heart melting.

The sight of Selena sitting on the piano bench, Rosie sat in her lap, little fingers landing on the keys.

You knew she was so excited to learn the piano, too. She's told you all about it every day since Selena promised to teach her, every single chance she got.

Selena was singing 'your song'. It was one Rosie always found comfort in. Or maybe, it was just because Selena sang it to her and she always loved her mom's beautiful voice. She sang to her every chance she got and you could already tell, even as young as she was, that she was gonna be really passionate about music, like her mom.

"You're home!" Selena said, making your already wide smile grow even wider. You stepped foot into the room. You expected for Rosie to run your way as she always does when you get home from work, but not today. She was too entranced in the piano.

"Hey baby girl." You rubbed Rosie's shoulder, smiling as she turned her attention to you and smiled back at you. The little gap in her mouth from her baby tooth that she had lost recently melted your heart. "Hi!"

You looked at Selena in awe. "Are you learning how to play the piano?" She nodded happily, fingers pressing every key in a row making a loud and somewhat terrible sound go through the room, but you and Selena just laughed because you knew she was goofing off.

"Are you having fun?" You combed your fingers through her messy hair. She nodded again before she reached down for Selena's hand, signaling she wanted to show you what she had already learned, but with her help.

"That's amazing, my sweet girl." You cheered and pressed a bunch of kisses to her face causing her to giggle.

But nothing could've prepared you for the look of pride you'd see in Selena's eyes when you lifted your head. You knew this meant a lot to Rosie, but it meant even more to Selena. To know her daughter had taken an interest in something so meaningful and important to her made her heart swell with love.

There were times when Selena wasn't the most confident in her abilities and Rosie was there to remind her that she was amazed by what Selena did and she thought that she was the best at it. And seeing Rosie soaking up music in more ways than one made Selena feel better about what she does.

"Why don't we go get ice cream?" You suggested and Rosie jumped up and out of the room excitedly, making you and Selena laugh.

Before she could get up though, you grabbed her hand and held it in your own. "You really are the most amazing mother."

Selena shook her head with a smile. "Thank you, angel. But I think that's you." She leaned forward and brushed your hair aside to kiss your forehead, both of you basking in the love you have for each and other and Rosie for just a minute.

You truly loved your little family. Nothing could or would ever make you happier than they do.

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