you and your child visit her on tour (requested)

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The days always seemed to drag by when Selena is away. Whether it's for promo or for a movie, or in this case a world tour, it's never easy on you or Rosie.

Your little girl was heartbroken. The day Selena left, nearly two months ago, was one of the most gut-wrenching moments you had to witness. With the six-year-old clinging to Selena, pleading with her not to go, only for her to not have any other choice but to leave, no matter how much she wanted to stay.

Rosie was taking it hard. There were traditions she and Selena had every day when she got home from school and every night before she went to bed. You opted to read her stories instead of Selena there to sing her to sleep.

Tonight, you were reading 'Alice in Wonderland'. She was having a hard time closing her eyes, as though something was on her mind. You didn't really have to ask, you knew it was Selena. But because you love her and need her to know that you care, you still asked. "Rosie, what is it?" You asked as you brushed your fingertips through her long dark hair. Her brown eyes, the ones that mirrored your wife's, moved up as she looked at you. "You miss mommy, huh?" She nodded.

You missed her too. Surely, it was never easy watching her walk out that door. It never gets easier, especially when you have a little one on your hands. No matter how much time passes by, you still miss her like crazy every time she has to go.

You really only saw one option.

"Why don't we go see her?"

Rosie's eyes lit up. "Really?" She sat up excitedly, her tiny grin poking through. "Yeah. I'll book the tickets tonight. But you have to keep it a secret if we talk to her in the morning before we leave so we can surprise her. I think she misses us just as much as we miss her."

Rosie nodded then threw her arms around you. "I promise!"

You giggled over her excitement, happy to see her happy again. "Okay. Now you have to close your eyes. Here, cuddle with your elephant." You placed it in her arms and she hugged it tightly to her chest as her eyes fluttered closed.

You finished reading the story when you knew she was asleep. You turned off the light and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, Rosie. I love you." You whispered and turned her nightlight on before turning the light off and closing the door.

You went to your room and got ready for bed before ordering the tickets and packing a few things in your suitcase before calling it a night.

You woke up a little earlier than usual. You went to Rosie's room and grabbed her bag, packing her a few clothes, until a little gasp came from behind you. Your daughter sat up in bed excitedly when she remembered the conversation you had last night. You smiled at her and got her backpack out, handing it to her. "Pack yourself a few things, like your blanket and your elephant. But keep it light so you can take it on the plane."

She nodded excitedly and threw those two things in there, as well as the 'Alice in Wonderland' book. "You're taking it?"

"I fell asleep before it finished. I want you and mommy to finish it tonight." You giggled but nodded your head. After making sure you had everything, you ordered a cab to the airport, and right before you were about to board the plane about an hour and a half later, Selena called, but you, unfortunately, had to let it go to voicemail since you were about to board the plane in seconds.

Rosie was sitting in the window seat, fascinated by the view as she rambled excitedly about all the things she wanted to do with Selena, making a few passengers roll their eyes while others just cooed over her cuteness. About an hour through the flight she was growing tired so you grabbed her blanket and elephant for her since Selena got it for her and she couldn't sleep without it. She was out like a light for the remainder of the flight.

About three hours later, you finally landed only to find missed calls and dozens of texts from Selena. You knew if you called her back you or Rosie would spill the beans due to the excitement you felt, so you just grabbed your luggage and ordered a cab then went off to the venue.

You arrived a good twenty minutes later. Rosie was so excited she tried to run right down the hallway when you got backstage thanks to her manager. "Hold on, baby, hold on!" You laughed as she pulled you by your hand down the long hallway.

Your bags were placed by the door thanks to the guard and Rosie let go of your hand, looking up at you curiously and excitedly. "Go ahead, honey. Knock."

Her little hand fell to the door, tapping on it softly.

"One second!" Selena yelled and Rosie gasped when she heard her voice. The door opened a moment later and before Selena could say anything, Rosie was wrapping her little arms around Selena's legs.

With wide eyes, Selena realized exactly who was hugging her. "Rosie?" She asked, almost in disbelief. She looked up and her gaze fell on you. "Surprise!" Selena threw her arms around you and kissed you passionately. "I was so worried about you! You didn't answer my calls or texts-"

"I know, Sel. I'm so sorry. We were on the plane and when we landed I knew that if I called or texted back I wouldn't be able to stop myself." She nodded understandingly. "It's alright, y/n. I'm just happy that you're here."

"And me!" Rosie cheered and you both laughed. Selena bent down and hugged Rosie close to her. "Oh, my baby girl. I have missed you so much!"

"Miss you!"

Selena laughed and kissed her forehead. She noticed the stuffed elephant in her hand still. "You even brought your elephant!"

"She doesn't let it out of her sight. Every night she curls up close to it. She even slept with it on the plane."

Selena's heart melted. "Come in, come in!" She pulled you inside with one hand, the other on Rosie's back as she picked her up in her arms.

"I'm so happy you're both here. I love you."

You smiled at her then leaned in for a kiss. Selena then peppered kisses across Rosie's face, making little giggles fall from her lips.

Even though you were tired, it all felt so worth it now as you watched your favorite girls in the world smile and laugh as they soaked in every minute with each other.

It felt like all the pieces fell right back into place. You couldn't be happier and you knew you'd be saying that for the next three weeks to come.

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