first ultrasound (requested)

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"Feeling excited?" Selena asked as she helped you lay down on the bed in the doctors office. She was always checking up on you these days, always curious as to how you're feeling.

You had a rough start this morning. Being ten weeks pregnant, your mornings usually start off the same way these days. But this one held a much more exciting event than the others have. Today will be the first time you and Selena see the baby for the very first time.

"So excited!"

"Me too!" She smiled and laid a delicate little kiss to your forehead. "I can't wait to see them. We've been waiting so long. It's been four weeks that we've known about them and now, finally, we get to see them!"

You giggled over her enthusiasm just before there was a knock on the door. "Hello y/n and Selena. Feeling excited about today?"

You both nodded happily and the doctor just cracked a smile and made her way over to you. "So you're ten weeks along? Ah, a May baby you've got on your hands then."

Selena was grinning from ear to ear as she buried her nose in your hair, lips brushing softly against the crown of your head.

"How exciting. Let's see them, shall we?"

You lifted your shirt a little and jumped slightly when the cold gel was squirted onto your stomach. Selena intertwined your fingers and you both looked at the fuzzy image on the screen.

Suddenly, something about the size of a strawberry appeared on the screen. "There they are." The doctor said cheerfully.

"Whoa." Selena whispered in awe. "So little!"

"Little, but growing well, just as they should be."

Selena let her head fall against yours, breathing out a sigh of relief when she heard those words. After being so excited about you being pregnant, all she really wanted was for them to be healthy.

"And would you like to hear-"

Already knowing what she was gonna ask, you and Selena just said, "yes!"

She chuckled, never hearing anything other than that response, really. And just a few seconds later, the room was filled with a soft, steady sound of your baby's heartbeat, which only seemed to leave you and Selena even more awestruck than before.

"So beautiful," Selena mumbled, her smile unbreakable.

"Can we have some pictures? We still have to tell our families and friends and other people too. I think this would be a perfect way to do it." Selena said.

"Absolutely! How many?"

"As many as possible!" You responded.

"Okay! Let me go get those for you. I'll see you back in a few weeks. Next time, if you want to, I think you'll be able to see what you're having."

Selena gasped excitedly. "I can't wait!" She cheered and peppered kisses all across your face. "I love you. You're incredible. Thank you for everything you're doing for our little one right now." She said before kissing your lips lovingly. "I love them so much already. I can't even begin to describe it."

She kissed your stomach, tears in her eyes as it all began to sink in.

She really was gonna be such an incredible mother and you couldn't wait to go on this new adventure with her.

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