A friend of yours passes away

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It was a phone call you could've never prepared yourself for. It was earth-shattering, a gut-wrenching pain you've never felt before. Your best friend had passed away last night - an accident caused by someone else's recklessness.

You felt so many emotions; Anger, an indescribable sadness, fearful, a pain in your heart that wouldn't ease no matter what you did.

Selena had given you some space to grieve. She knows how important that is but she promised you that if you needed her, she was there.

You locked yourself in your bedroom. You needed to be alone. You needed that space and time to comprehend everything that was happening. But then came the moment when being alone scared you. You didn't want to be alone anymore or have to grieve on your own; you needed Selena.

She was in the guest bedroom just writing a little when she heard you yell for her. She went running to you in a heartbeat, feeling heartbroken yet a little relieved when she saw you. It broke her heart to see you cry, to see you hurting. But it made her feel a little relief when she saw your face, when you reached out for her. You needed her and that made her feel a little relieved to know that you weren't shutting her out, not that she ever believed you would, but still - it was a relief.

"It's okay." She whispered as she walked over to you, sitting down on the floor next to you before pulling you in her arms. She let you cry it all out, like you've been doing since you got that dreadful phone call. She didn't care that your tears were landing on the skin of her neck, all she cared about was you. She wished that all of the pain you felt would go away. She knew you were hurting and it hurt her. She couldn't even begin to imagine how you felt - to lose your best friend. She understood why you were hurting, she just wished she could take it all away from you.

She didn't know what to say that would make it all better so she just held you instead. She rubbed your back and let you cry everything out while she whispered in your ear that she was right there with you. "I know it hurts baby. I'm here." You told her how much it hurt. How scared you were because you've known your best friend since you were a kid, you grew up together, and having to live life without her by your side was terrifying. There were so many things you weren't gonna get to do with her by your side. All those ideas and plans that you made together were ruined and shattered now.

"It's not fair." Selena bit her lip and rubbed your back, resting her chin on your head. "I know. I'm sorry." She didn't know what else to say but that was alright because what she was saying was enough for you. She was there with you, holding you when you needed her most and you knew that it would take time, lots of time, but with Selena by your side - you'd get through this and your heart would eventually heal. And no matter how long it took for your heart to heal, Selena would be right by your side through it all.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now