You're sick

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You woke up early in the morning feeling sick. You knew you had a cold and since Selena was so busy these days you decided to call her and ask for a rain check on your date today, the last thing you wanted to do was get her sick.

"Good morning sunshine!" Selena's voice came through the phone, happy and excited per usual. You smiled because even though you were sick, she still made you happy. "Hey Sel. So uh, listen I'm not feeling too good. I think I'm gonna need a rain check on our date today. We can reschedule when I'm better."
"What? Sick? Y/n are you alright? No listen I'm coming over. I'm gonna take care of you." "No babe. I'll be better soon. I'll be fine." But Selena wasn't having any of it. "Being sick is the worst. And you're my baby. I have to take care of you. I'll be over soon."

Typical Selena. Always putting others first, especially you. You swore her heart was 4 sizes too big for her body. You really got lucky getting her as a girlfriend. She truly cared about you and she'd do anything in the world for you.

10 minutes later your front door opened and in ran Selena. She hugged you and handed you some Gatorade that she stopped to buy for you along the way.
"Holy moly y/n, you have a fever! Stay here." Selena came back shortly with a thermometer in her hand. She took your temperature and frowned when it went off. You could tell by the look on her face that you weren't going anywhere today, she was gonna baby you for sure.

Throughout the day Selena made sure you had plenty of fluids and soup. She also kept an eye on your fever as well. She waited on you hand and foot.

"Thank you Sel. For taking care of me. You really didn't have to." "Of course I did y/n. You're my girlfriend. I want you to feel better, I hate seeing you so sick."

You eventually fell asleep with your head on her lap while her hands went through your hair comforting you and coaxing you into sleep. You went to sleep feeling content and happy knowing Selena was right by your side and would be there if you needed anything at all. You woke up the following morning feeling wonderful, and made sure Selena got extra kisses and love from you for taking such good care of you while you were sick.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now