you're really sick

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You whimpered as the tickle in your throat returned.

You've been really sick all day. With a horrible cough that made your head spin and leaves you wheezing and gasping for air. It hurt to cough, it even hurt to take a deep breath. You're exhausted; all you wanna do is sleep but it's really hard when you can barely breathe, your body is sticky with sweat rolling down your skin, and you keep feeling as though you're actually gonna cough your lungs out.

Selena was laying next to you in bed, trying to calm you down because you felt so sick and gross that it was actually bringing tears to your eyes. You suddenly sat up in bed as the need to cough came back.

It was an awful sound. Selena would wince everytime you coughed. She could tell it hurt you and it broke her heart. She rubbed your back and tried to comfort you the best she could. "You're okay baby." She whispered as you finished coughing and tried to catch your breath.

"What can I do for you baby? Tell me how I can help you, angel." You shrugged, because you really didn't know how she could help you at this point. "Want me to take you to the emergency room?" you shook your head and closed your eyes as you started to get some air back into your lungs.

"I just wanna sleep." Selena kissed your forehead and tucked your hair behind your ear, watching closely as you finally managed to fall asleep.

A few minutes later she slipped out of bed and grabbed her phone from the nightstand, going to the bathroom and closing the door as she started to cry. She was worried about you. She was scared. She's never seen you so sick, and it scared her so badly.

With shaking hands and tears in her eyes she called her mom. She didn't know what else to do, but she figured that if anyone could give her advice on how to help you or what you might have it'd be her mom for sure.

"Hello? Selena? Honey?" Selena sniffled, the lump in her throat bigger than ever. "Mom? Something's wrong with y/n." She cried, her anxiety starting to get the best of her. She started to pace the floor, relieved that so far she hasn't heard you cough. "Okay, honey, it'll be okay. Tell me what's wrong."

"She's really sick. I'm really worried about her. She has a bad cough, like really bad. It leaves her wheezing and she says everytime she coughs it makes her head and chest hurt. She says it hurts to take a deep breath and she's got a high fever. I don't know what to do, mom. I don't know how to help her." Selena rambled but she calmed down when her mom shushed her softly.

"Oh sweetie. It sounds like she's got a case of walking pneumonia. She'll be okay, but I would take her to the doctors in the morning just to be safe. Unless her breathing gets too bad or you hear her really struggling to take even a little breath, then you shouldn't have to worry about taking her to the hospital."

Selena sighed, so relieved and grateful that her mom was there to help. "Okay. Thank you mom." "You're welcome sweetheart. You take some deep breaths and calm down now. I know you love her and you care about her, but I promise you that she'll be okay soon. She needs some medicine, lots of rest and fluids, and some love and cuddles from her girlfriend."

Selena smiled and wiped away the rest of her tears. "I can do that." Mandy chuckled and it made Selena smile. "I know you can. Now go hold your girlfriend and get some sleep. You call me right away if anything changes, but i'm sure she'll be just fine. Tell her that I hope she feels better soon whenever she wakes up."

Selena smiled and opened the bathroom door. She turned off the light and walked back to the bed, watching you sleep for a moment until she remembered she was still on the phone. "Okay. Thank you mom. I love you." Selena mumbled quietly, getting back into bed with you and hanging up the phone when her mom told her that she loved her too.

All she wanted was for you to feel better soon, and she hoped that a good night's sleep and a trip to the doctors for some medicine in the morning would get you to feeling better much sooner.

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