she won't take off your hoodie

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A shiver ran down your spine when you sat up in bed. The room was pitch black since it was only a little after three in the morning, but you'd been woken to feeling cold as Selena tugged most of the blankets away from you in her peaceful slumber.

Your short-sleeved band tee that you threw on before bed wasn't enough to keep you warm any longer and as much as you dreaded getting out of bed before the sun was up, you didn't have much of a choice when you were restless and cold.

Your sock-covered feet padded quietly over to the closet. You turned the light on, watching the room light up.

You worried about the brightness waking your girlfriend, but Selena only rolled over in bed and buried her face into the pillow beneath her to block out the light.

You started to look through the shirts hung up for your hoodie and rubbed your arms to try to warm yourself up enough until you could find it. But it was nowhere to be seen.

You frowned and trailed over to the basket to see if it was accidentally tossed in there, but it wasn't there, either.

You turned around, planning on looking to see if you had thrown it on the floor for any reason. But when you turned, you instead saw Selena standing there in front of you and you jumped in shock.

"Oh, Sel, you scared me." You mumbled and watched her rub the sleep from her eyes. Tiredly, her forehead fell onto your shoulder and she put her arms around you.

"Why are you awake at this hour? And why is the light on?"

"Because I woke up feeling cold and I was looking for," you suddenly stopped talking when you took a good look at your sleepy girlfriend, finding that she was wearing the hoodie you've been looking for. "This! You're wearing my hoodie? I don't remember you wearing it before bed."

"You fell asleep quickly since you were so tired. I was about to but I felt a little chilly and your hoodie was on the floor, so I put it on and then fell asleep. I didn't know you'd wake up cold and in need of it."

"Well, maybe I wouldn't have if you hadn't hogged most of the blanket." You sassed and she just shook her head with a sleepy giggle. "You do look awfully cute though."

You ran your hand along her back and your heart leaped in your chest when she smiled that breathtaking smile at you.

"I'm guessing you're not gonna take it off?"

"Nope." She replied as she put her arms around you once more and gave you a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Well, what do I wear then? I'm tired and cold." You pouted and she kissed your nose before nodding to the closet.

"Wear one of my hoodies if you want. It's only fair if I wear yours that you get to wear mine."

You went back to the closet and looked through her clothes until you came across one of her hoodies from her own merch. You pulled it over your head and her smell instantly filled your lungs. As if the fabric wasn't enough to warm you up, you also felt warm inside as you breathed in her sweet smell that lingered on the fabric and then melted into her arms as they wrapped around you from behind.

"Cutie." She whispered in your ear then kissed your cheek. "C'mon. Let's go back to bed."

You nodded and let her take your hand to lead you back to bed. She turned off the light then crawled under the blankets. She gave you your fair share of it and hugged you from behind, promising that she wouldn't steal them this time.

"I love you." You whispered and closed your eyes as her lips brushed against the back of your neck.

"Love you too, angel. Goodnight."

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now