coffee mishaps (requested)

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You sat at the table sipping on your coffee and flipping through your textbook. University - most people hate it but you actually don't mind it all that much. As lame as it could sound to some, you enjoy learning new things, especially since you get to learn new things about one of your greatest passions in life every single day.

You put the book in your bag and got up from the table. You put in one of your earbuds and sipped on your coffee, looking down at your feet as you walked along when you suddenly bumped into someone.

You started to panic, apology after apology coming from your lips. You looked up and felt a little afraid when you saw you spilled your drink on. "Selena?"

Selena is the tough girl and a lot of people are kinda afraid of her, even though she'd never hurt a fly. She didn't let very many people see it but she did have a huge soft side, and she definitely has one for you.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." You were worried that she was gonna be upset but instead she chuckled as you continued to apologize repeatedly. She put her hand on your arm and smiled at you. "No worries. it's all good, y/n." Your heart skipped a beat over the way she said your name. You blushed and apologized once again but she brushed it off.

"Really, it's totally fine, y/n." You blushed as she ran her fingers across your arm. "Can I buy you another coffee?" You furrowed your brows and Selena laughed. "What?" She giggled and you smiled at the sound. "It's just, I spilled my coffee on you. Why should you buy me another one? I think I should pay for it or maybe offer to buy you a new shirt or a coffee if you wanted one." Selena playfully rolled her eyes at you.

"Maybe i'm not worried about that and i'm instead asking you out on a date." You gasped, way louder than you intended to and Selena laughed once more. "You're serious?" She nodded and took your hand in hers. " Of course I am. I've always liked you, just haven't had a chance to sit down and get to know you. You spilling your coffee on me gave me the perfect opportunity to get to know you a little and I definitely wanna get to know you more."

You bit your lip and smiled uncontrollably. "I'd really like that." Selena smiled back at you. "Cool. See you tonight then?" You nodded and started to walk to your class, but Selena was on your mind the entire time. Maybe spilling your coffee on her wasn't such a bad thing.

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