she forgets your birthday - part two (requested)

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The first thing you noticed when you woke up from your broken sleep was how quiet and still everything was. The bedroom door was still locked, a sign that Selena had let you have your privacy last night and didn't even try to disturb you.

You pushed away the blankets and put your feet on the tiled floor. You debated on even leaving the room at all today. You didn't know what you'd be met with. But when your stomach started to growl you knew you had no choice but to go downstairs, at least only for some food.

You reluctantly unlocked the door, surprised to find the hallway empty. You tiptoed down the stairs. Selena had obviously made herself comfortable on the couch last night, judging by the messy blankets and pillows she had set up.

But she was nowhere in sight.

You made your way to the kitchen and the sight that awaited you left you in awe. Selena was decorating the kitchen, a tray of your favorite foods was placed on the counter. Selena turned around when she heard your feet on the floor. She dropped everything in her hands onto the countertop before turning to you, both of you standing there in silence.

"I know that nothing I say or do is gonna change the fact that I forgot such an important and special day. I'd understand if you can't forgive me, but I at least have to try," she paused and looked down at her feet. "Y/n, I feel terrible about yesterday. I know I promised that I'd be there and I swear that I planned to, It's just that-"

"You got caught up in the studio? Or was it an interview? Or a photoshoot? What was it this time, Selena?" You grumbled, tired of hearing the same excuse for her absence over and over again.  Selena hung her head, obviously feeling guilty.

"I understand that you have a job and a complicated one at that. I knew that before you even asked me to be your girlfriend. You know I support you, I always do. But it's the same thing every time. True, you've never forgotten something so important. But your schedule does tend to get in the way. And I get that, I do. I just... hoped that I would be a little more important to you. That for once I could be a priority."

"Y/n..." Selena whispered your name softly as she took a few steps towards you. "No words can even begin to describe how terrible I feel. But you are important to me. I know I haven't exactly been the best at showing you that lately, but that's gonna change. That I swear to you,"

She paused and reached into her pocket. "I meant to give you this yesterday but..." She watched you roll your eyes but also crack a small smile. She held a ring in her hand, not an engagement ring, but something equally as beautiful and special.

"If you can forgive me, I promise to make this up to you and I'll do whatever it takes," she paused, looking up at you as she reached for your hand. When she grabbed it and you didn't pull away she couldn't help but let out a little sigh of relief. "I love you so much, y/n. Please forgive me."

You looked around at all she had done for you so far. The decorations, the food - her intentions were good. She was being honest, she was ready to do whatever it was that you wanted her to do to make this all better.

"I just want you. Just be here with me, hold me." She smiled and wrapped her arms around you. "I won't let you go." She kissed your head and slid the promise ring onto your finger.

She then lifted you up onto the counter and grabbed a piece of fruit from a bowl on the tray, smiling as she put a piece of it in your mouth. She giggled and pressed a kiss to your shoulder, trailing her lips down your arm. "I'm gonna make it all up to you. I promise. Happy belated birthday, angel"

You couldn't help but smile as you wrapped your arms around her neck. "Thank you, Selena."

The day was just starting but the weight on your shoulders was already lifted. You knew things were gonna be better from here on out and today was gonna be a good day.

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