She holds your hand for the first time

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Selena had invited you to a bonfire that she was having at her house with a couple close friends. You've been getting closer to her lately, taking every opportunity you had to spend time with her. You haven't quite told her that you like her, but it was fairly obvious and her friends recently told you that she liked you, wanting you to know because they care about Selena and didn't want her to get hurt if you didn't feel the same way.

When you arrived at her house and made your way out to the backyard you found Selena lounging on a chair as she laughed along to something one of her friends said. They all turned towards you when they heard your heels on the concrete. You noticed how Selena's face instantly lit up when she saw you. You looked around and saw there weren't any free chairs, Selena speaking up when she saw you looking at her friends with a quirked eyebrow. "You can sit on this chair with me if you want to y/n." You saw her friends smirking at each other but you sat down on the chair nonetheless, your back almost touching her chest. You sat quietly as her friends continued to talk and they all continued to laugh. You got lost in your thoughts only snapping out of them when her hand landed on your shoulder. Her friends went silent before they shared a glance and stood up, grabbing their things and saying their goodbyes. "It's getting late. We should go. We'll see you tomorrow, Selena."

Your heart started to race at the realization that it was just the two of you now. Selena rubbed her hand across your back and you craned your neck to look at her. "You okay? You're awfully quiet tonight y/n." You took a deep breath, turning around to face her and looking down at your nails, picking at the polish as you started to question if you should tell her about how you feel about her. You looked up at her and saw her brown eyes focused on you. You started to doubt what her friends told you and decided against telling her the truth. "Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking is all." She kept her eyes locked with yours and your heart was beating so loudly that you feared she could hear it. "About what?" You stayed silent for a few seconds and looked back at your nails again. You didn't wanna ruin things between the two of you. Everyone wanted to be friends with Selena and you knew you were lucky to just know her, you didn't wanna lose her. "y/n?" Selena whispered, so soft and so quiet, but you heard her loud and clear. You looked up at her and locked eyes with her once again, only breaking eye contact when she grabbed your hand in hers. You looked down to see that your fingers were intertwined with hers, your heart picking up speed against your rib cage even more. "Can I tell you something?" You could only nod, feeling like if you spoke nothing would come out anyways. "I like you, a lot. Like more than a friend. I don't wanna ruin anything between us and I understand if you don't feel the same way but I just wanted to tell you."

It took a few seconds before the words actually registered in your mind but when they did you practically attacked her with a hug. "I'm so happy you said that. I like you too. So much." She hugged you back and you two stayed like that for a few minutes before you pulled back and she took the opportunity to grab your hand in hers again. No words were really needed at that moment. You both knew how you felt about each other and you just wanted to revel in the happiness you gave each other.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now