Your daughter is getting bullied (requsted)

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Selena was helping you make dinner when you both heard the front door open and close followed by a rush of footsteps into the kitchen where you were. You felt your seven year old daughter, Rosie, wrap her arms around your legs. You heard her sniffling and both you and Selena dropped everything you were doing to focus all of your attention on her.

You saw her red and sad eyes. Tears kept falling down her cheeks as Selena picked her up. "Rosie? Honey, what happened?" She rubbed her eyes with her small hands and sniffled. "They keep picking on me, mommy." She cried as she buried her face in Selena's neck. Selena looked at you. You could tell right away that she was angry, not at Rosie but at whoever was making her this upset.

"What are they saying sweetheart? Can you tell me?" Selena whispered softly as she rubbed Rosie's back. "They're being mean. They keep saying I'm not as smart as them. You say that if I don't get something I should ask for help but every time I do they make fun of me."  Rosie cried.

"Rosie, honey, why don't you go watch some cartoons for a few while I talk to mommy. Okay?" She looked at you sadly but nodded. Her favorite cartoon always made her feel better so you knew she'd never say no to watching it. She walked out of the kitchen and once she wasn't able to hear, Selena started to get upset. She was pacing, her own tears forming in her eyes, the ones Rosie had inherited from her; the exact same shade of the beautiful brown color that always made you weak.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down" Selena muttered as she started to tug at her hair. She knows you well enough, having been married to you for eight years now and having a little girl with you. "Selena, I'm not. I just don't want Rosie to hear you get upset. She's incredibly instinctive and you know she'll worry about you." Selena placed her hands on the counter and nodded her head as she took some deep breaths. "Something has to be done though. I can't handle seeing her like that."

You wrapped your arms around her as she sobbed against your sweater. "Maybe she can switch schools or something? We can help her after school, if she wants us to. I just want her to feel better, y/n, please." "Okay." Selena was surprised you had said yes, especially so quickly. "Really?" You kissed the corner of her mouth. "Of course. She's our little girl, we promised ourselves the day she was born that we'd always love her and protect her, no matter what the cost. I think switching schools is a good idea. I think she'd like that, too." Selena sighed, a huge weight lifted from her shoulders. "It won't take long, right." You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't know. I don't think so, I hope it won't. We'll look into it in the morning. Maybe we can keep her home tomorrow and figure it all out." Selena kissed your cheek.

"And spend the day together?" You nodded. Selena grabber your hand and led you into the living room where Rosie was watching her cartoons. "Rosie? Mommy and I had an idea." Selena said as she took a seat on the couch and pulled Rosie onto her lap. "Do you maybe wanna go to a new school?" Rosie nodded her head and leaned it on Selena's shoulder. "We're gonna spend the day together tomorrow, okay?" Rosie cheered and moved to your lap.

She was so much happier from then on. She moved between you and Selena while you all watched her favorite cartoon together, her laugh making you both laugh along with her. This is the side of Rosie you always wanna see, and you'll always do whatever it takes to see her this happy.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now