rainy days with her would include

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•you would've made plans for the day together so you'd be upset when you'd wake up to find out it's raining
•you'd stare out the window, sighing sadly as you watched the rain hit the ground
•^Selena would tangle her arms around you and drag you back to bed
•"there's no point in getting out of bed today if there's nothing to do" she'd say as she'd pull you to her chest
•you'd fall back asleep for a couple more hours
•you'd be sad again to see that it was still raining when you woke back up
•so Selena would plan something extra special
•blanket forts downstairs with Netflix and hot chocolate would be the ultimate way to spend the day
•she'd turn on all of your favorite movies that day
•you'd be so comfortable and content
•she'd cook you the sweetest dinner and you'd eat it in candlelight
•^not necessarily because you'd lose power, but rather because Selena would say it was more romantic and with it being darker and cloudier outside - it was the perfect opportunity for a candlelit dinner
•so many sweet little make out sessions
•you'd talk about anything and everything in the little blanket fort
•board games would be a must
•^she might let you win a time or two if you didn't seem to be having the best luck, so you wouldn't be down on yourself again
•she'd talk you into staying the night in the blanket fort instead of upstairs in bed
•she'd keep you as close as she could to her all night long
•^she'd hold you extra tight when the rain would pour harder than before, bringing along thunder and lightning that would crash a little too often and make you jump
•so much love would be shared between the two of you during those little moments
•overall - rainy days can suck, but with Selena they wouldn't be bad at all. She'd always find a way to make them fun for you.

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