scary movies

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"Come on, baby," Selena whined, trying to get you to cave into her request for movie night. "It'll be fun!"

"No, Sel. I hate scary movies!" You continued to refuse but Selena could tell your will was getting weaker and you were starting to cave in just a little when you'd see the sad look in her eyes.

"It's really not that scary, y/n. Besides, it's not like you're gonna be watching it alone. I'm gonna be here with you and if you get too scared, I'll hold you." She tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and when you let out a heavy sigh, she knew you were close to saying yes.

It wasn't just that you found it hard to say no when she'd give you her sad eyes, but you were also caving because she's let you pick the movies recently for the last few movie nights you've had and it was only fair to let her pick one.

"Okay. But do you promise that it isn't too scary?"

"I promise."

You handed her the remote and soon she was loading up the movie. It was called 'insidious' and you hoped that Selena was being honest with you when she said it wasn't too scary.

But as the movie progressed further along you found yourself curled up in Selena's arms. You buried your face in the thin fabric of her shirt and though Selena was holding you close, you could still hear the little chuckle falling from her lips when you'd jump.

"Is it over yet?" You asked as you lifted your head from her chest, gazing up at her cautiously. "I think so."

But as you turned your head you saw one of the scariest scenes take place. You screamed and quickly grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and threw it over your head while curling back up to Selena.

"Not funny!" You whined.

"Okay, you're right, I'm sorry."

You could feel her moving around and suddenly, it went quiet. She slowly pulled the blanket from your head and giggled at your messy hair. She brushed her fingers through it while looking into your eyes apologetically. "I'm sorry again."

You nodded. "It's okay. I don't get what you see in scary movies. They're too scary!"

Selena laughed. "They're not all that scary when you actually get into them. Sometimes they can be, but I like it. But I understand that you don't. That's why I turned it off. If you're not okay with watching anymore - or, rather, just clinging to me any longer,"

She stopped to chuckle as you lightly hit her hand in a playful manner.

"We can turn it off and find something else to watch. We could watch a comedy or an action movie. Something that we both agree on."

You bit your lip and looked back at the tv screen. You could see it still had a little while to go but not much further. "If you wanna finish it, I'm okay with it. Just... keep holding me."

Selena pulled you back into her arms. "Why would I ever let you go, baby girl? I'm here and I'm always happy to hold you." She pressed a light kiss to your lips and picked the remote back up. Her finger hovered over the play button and she looked back at you, waiting for you to let her know that you were sure you were okay with it.

You nodded your head and laid your head back on her shoulder. You found comfort and safety in her arms and in the blanket over you both.

Although it was scary, you actually didn't mind most of it, and you were surprised when it was over.

"It's over?"

"Did you enjoy it? You know, there are three more in the franchise."

You giggled then kissed her collarbone softly. "One day, maybe."

She nodded and then turned on a comedy for you both to watch. Although she enjoyed watching scary movies, she didn't at all mind a good comedy.

How could she ever complain when that beautiful laugh just rolls off of your lips every few seconds?

She couldn't, and she never would.

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