morning sickness (requested)

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"Selena?" You called her name in the dark, quiet room. It was somewhere around seven in the morning and the sun was starting to rise, just like nausea that was creeping up your throat.

You were desperate to get out of Selena's arms. Her grip on you was secure, as it always is when she sleeps. But you knew you were gonna be sick like you are most mornings now.

"Sel? You gotta let me go." You said a little louder and shook her arm. She opened her eyes just a few seconds later. She let you go so she could rub the sleep from her eyes, allowing for you to wiggle away and scoot toward the edge of the bed, where you tried to take some deep breaths.

"You feeling sick again?" She asked as she started to rub your back. You just nodded, feeling too sick to say anything.

Seconds later, it all became too overwhelming. You jumped out of bed and raced into the bathroom, vomiting into the toilet as soon as your knees hit the floor.

You heard Selena's footsteps trailing toward you. She knelt behind you and took your hair into her hand, gently holding it back for you as you continued to throw up again and again.

"I know it's awful, y/n, but you're gonna be okay. Just let it all out. I'm here." She soothed, trying to do anything she could to comfort you through this.

Even though she knew it was for a good reason, her heart still broke with every lurch of your stomach. It was nearly unbearable for you. Every morning seems to begin like this and almost every night the same.

"That's it. Just let it all out." She coaxed, kissing your shoulder blade softly until your stomach started to settle a few minutes later.

You took a deep breath and flushed the toilet. The taste in your mouth was making your stomach turn once again but not as bad as before.

"Y/N? Are you okay?"

You nodded your head weakly. "I think so." You closed the toilet lid and let your head fall onto your forearm. "I hate this. Pregnancy sucks so far."

Selena giggled and combed her fingers through your hair. "I know this part of it isn't so fun but it'll be worth it in the end. Besides, I'm here for you. It's not like you're going through any of this on your own."

You looked at her with a lazy smile. "I know. Thank you."

"No need to thank me. Let's brush your teeth and get back to bed. I have nowhere to be today so I wanna spend the day in bed with you and let you rest."

You brushed your teeth, leaning against Selena all the while. Afterward, she helped you back to bed, slowly and carefully.

"Okay. Stomach settled?"

You nodded, closing your eyes as she kissed your temple.

"Want some crackers or something?"

"I'm alright. Can you cuddle me?"

She climbed under the covers with you. "I'd be happy to." She loosely wrapped her arm around you and let you lay your head on her chest.

"Sleep if you're tired, baby. If you feel sick again I'm here to take care of you. I love you, and I love our little one so much."

"We love you too, Sel." You smiled tiredly before drifting off to sleep.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now