she has an anxiety attack

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She could feel that all too familiar feeling of her hands starting to sweat and shake. Her heart was starting to beat just a little faster and her mind was starting to race. She knows what this means. She's had too many of them not to know.

She excused herself from the booth where she was recording and she went to the bathroom. She slid down the wall and started to cry, and with shaky hands, she pulled her phone out from her pocket and clicked on your contact.

She could feel it coming. She didn't have much time until it would hit her like a tidal wave, so she was relieved when she heard your voice. "Y/n? Can you come get me?" You drove her to the studio just a couple of hours ago. She planned on spending most of the day there, so you knew something was wrong if she was gonna have you pick her up already. "Selena are you okay?"

She shook her head even though you couldn't see her. "No. I'm anxious. I wanna come home. Please." She could hear you grabbing your keys followed by the sound of the car door closing just a few seconds later. "I'm on my way right now. Just breathe for me, okay? I'll be there in just a few minutes." She threw her head back and focused on taking some deep breaths but it wasn't working and all she wanted was you there with her.

And then, it happened. It came over her. Hard and fast, and she couldn't do anything to fight it. It was rendering her weak and speechless. She dropped the phone on the floor and pulled her knees to her chest. She heard your voice coming down the hallway and she managed to open the door just a crack, enough to show you where she was. You came to the door just a few seconds later and opened it enough to come inside.

You then closed the door and sat on the floor next to Selena. She reached for you, grateful when you took ahold of her and pulled her between your legs so she could lay with her back to your chest and her head on your shoulder. She felt your hands rubbing up and down her arms soothingly. Her breathing was off and you could feel her heart racing.

"It's okay Selena, I'm here. You're okay. Just close your eyes and try to breathe." She swallowed thickly and intertwined her fingers with yours, squeezing your hand as she began to gasp for air and sob. "I-I can't." She panicked which caused her to freak out more. "You can. Just close your eyes, I'm right here. I've got you. You're safe." She sniffled and whimpered. "Just focus on me. Focus on my voice. I'm here, you're safe."

She closed her eyes and fought the urge to open them right away again. She focused on your voice and your touch. "Good job, Selena. You're doing great. You're so strong." And with your help, it started to slowly go away. Selena exhaled heavily and threw her head back on your shoulder. She opened her beautiful brown eyes and managed a small smile when she met yours. "Are you okay? Any better?" She nodded her head. "Yeah, I think so. Thank you for being here with me and for making me feel safe when I feel like everything's crashing down on me."

You smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "You're welcome. Come on now, let's get you home and watch a bunch of movies for the remainder of the day." You stood up and Selena took your hand in hers. "And cuddle? Maybe some takeout too?" You giggled but agreed, wrapping your arm around her shoulder as you lead her out to the car. "Sure, babes. We can do whatever you'd like."

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