you have the flu

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Selena could tell something was off with you as soon as you walked in. You looked pale and clammy and you were holding your stomach like it was hurting.

"Y/n?" She came over to you and helped you take your jacket off. You're home from work three hours early which is just another sign for her that somethings not right. "I don't feel good." You muttered and Selena put her hand on your forehead to check for a fever, which you most certainly had.

"Let's get you up to bed." She rubbed yourself back and helped you up to the room. You closed your eyes as soon as your head hit the pillow. "Is there anything I can do for you, angel?" You shook your head and Selena planted a light kiss to your warm forehead. "Go to sleep."

You did as she said and slept the rest of the day away. You woke up around one am with your stomach feeling way worse than earlier. Selena was sound asleep next to you with her hair fanned across her pillow.

You pushed the covers away and crept to the bathroom. Your stomach was turning and you knew it was only a matter of time till you get sick. And before you knew it, you did.

You felt a hand touch your back and rub comforting shapes over your sweater that was now sticking to your skin. "It's okay, just get it all out" she whispered and gathered your hair in her hands. Your stomach ached but eventually started to hurt less and less as you emptied it.

When you were done you collapsed onto Selena's lap. Her fingers ran through your hair, pushing the ones that stuck to your forehead away. "Feel any better?" You nodded and Selena gently picked you up to take you back to bed.

She knelt on the floor in front of you and felt your forehead once again. "You're burning up. I think you've got the flu." It's been going around a lot lately and it's just your luck to catch it. You sighed softly and closed your eyes. With your stomach less achy now you felt like you could go back to sleep.

You felt Selena lay back down next to you. "It's okay angel. I'm right here if you need me. If you need anything at all wake me up." She promised and kissed your forehead. She watched you close your eyes as you fell back asleep.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now