you snap at her

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You flipped through the tv channels aimlessly. Nothing interesting seemed to be on. Nothing seemed to be good enough to shake your bad mood.

Selena sat down next to you on the couch and put her head on your shoulder. You couldn't explain why but even just the sound of her breathing was irking you. "Whatcha doin', angel?" You pulled away making her head fall onto your side. She sat up and you saw her eyes go a little sad. "trying to find something to watch." You said but your tone of voice clearly showed that you were annoyed, and Selena felt the need to walk on eggshells.

"Did I do something wrong?" You stayed silent and kept trying to find something to watch. Selena reached for your hand and took it in hers to rub her thumb over our knuckles, an attempt to comfort you. But it only annoyed you more for some reason.

"Selena! Can you please just leave me alone? I'm clearly not in a good mood right now so can you just give me some space?" You snapped, and as soon as the words left your mouth you regretted them.

You saw the hurt expression wash over Selena's face. "I'm sorry" she mumbled sadly and walked upstairs. You could tell that she was crying and you knew that you're the one to blame for her tears. It broke your heart. Your bad mood instantly went away and the only thing you could feel now was the urge to go snuggle and comfort your girlfriend.

You walked up the stairs slowly. With every step you took you tried to think of the right words to say but nothing seemed to come to your mind. The bedroom door was slightly cracked and you could hear Selena sniffling. You went inside and strode over to her. "Sel... I'm sorry." You put your hand on her back and rubbed it soothingly but she still wouldn't face you.

"Babe, can you please look at me?" It took a few more seconds but she turned around and when she did you saw her red, puffy eyes. "Shhh, hey." You pulled her to your chest and let her sniffle against your neck. "Are you sure I didn't do anything wrong?" She muttered sadly.

"I'm absolutely certain. It's totally my fault, not yours. I don't know why but I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. But I really am sorry. It hurts me to see you crying, especially when I know that I'm the reason why you're crying. I'm so sorry baby, please don't be sad."

Selena looked at you and giggled. "Okay. I forgive you." She leaned in and gave you a short but sweet kiss on your lips. "You do?" Selena nodded her head. "Yeah. I understand that you're not having a great day. It happens, and I've snapped at you before when I didn't mean to. I know how it goes. Next time you need some space you just gotta say so, but nicely." She teased and poked your sides making you laugh.

"Okay. I promise I'll do that. I love you." She kissed your cheek and smiled against it. "Love you too, angel. Do you maybe wanna lay down here and find something to watch on Netflix since there's nothing good on tv?"

You didn't waste a second to throw yourself back against your pillows and pull Selena down by your side. She laughed and turned on friends while snuggled up to you. Your bad mood was totally forgotten. Wrapped in her arms, nothing else ever mattered to you.

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