you find the ring (requested)

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Bad liar began to play on your phone as Selena sent you a text that she was finished at the studio for the day and on her way home.

You were eager for her to arrive. She promised you dinner at your favorite place tonight, promising you that it was gonna be a great night and she had something special planned for you.

Feeling so excited, you've found it hard to sit still through the last few hours while she was busy in the studio, but managed to occupy yourself by watching some films until you had to stop to shower and get ready for the evening ahead.

You didn't feel like dressing up since you weren't going anywhere fancy. So you had the idea of wearing some leggings and one of Selena's hoodies. You had the towel tightly wrapped around you as you exited the bathroom, humming along to a sweeter place it played through your mind again and again.

You strode over to the closet and looked around for your favorite hoodie; the lose you to love me hoodie from her merch. It's your favorite of all; cozy and cute, with lyrics of your favorite song by your lovely girlfriend designed across it. You always wear it with pride.

But you looked all over and couldn't seem to find it anywhere. Hearing the car door close in the driveway, you only had so much time before you had to go so you opted for a different hoodie of hers. It was thrown on the chair by Sel as she shrugged it off this morning when she realized it was too warm to wear.

You pulled it over your head and straightened it out by your waist. But when you fixed it, you realized there was something heavy in the pocket. You reached inside the pocket and pulled out a small velvet box.

You didn't think much of it and opened it up, only to gasp in shock upon seeing the ring inside. There was no mistaking it - it was an engagement ring.

You suddenly regretted opening it up just as she called out for you and called out your name.

"Y/n?" She called out, feet padding down the hall until she stood in the doorway. "There you are! I thought you'd be waiting for me. I didn't know where you... were." She whispered the last part, both of you wide-eyed and frozen as you looked between the ring and each other.

"Well..." she paused and walked to you. "I guess the surprise is ruined." She chuckled nervously and looked at you to find you staring at her in awe. "I forgot to take it out of the pocket." She confessed, her nerves already starting to get to her as the moment came much sooner than she planned for.

"I-I was just looking for a hoodie. I didn't mean to..." you stopped speaking as your heart hammered against your chest. "I can pretend tonight if it makes you feel better."

She shook her head with a laugh and then took your hand into hers. You could feel it shaking and sweating in yours as her nerves grew.

"I didn't expect for it to be like this or to be right now but there's no better time to do it than the present." She whispered and gazed at you through the tears swimming in her brown eyes as she got onto one knee.

You couldn't help but shed a tear. You've dreamt of this moment, but only ever when it was with Selena. It was all happening now, right in front of your very eyes, and it was too emotional, too perfect, for you to not cry tears of happiness.

"My best friend, my girl, loving you is the best thing I've ever gotten to do. You're everything I've ever dreamt of and I'm so in love with you that I can't even begin to put it into words. You're the best thing to ever happen to me and I want to spend the rest of my life right by your side. Marry me?"

"Yes!" You said happily and then fell to your knees as they became weak. She just chuckled and hugged you tight for a moment, soaking in the beautiful moment of love and the realization that you're the one she'd be spending forever with.

She took your hand and slid the ring onto your finger, all while her eyes still swam with tears. You kissed her slowly and she reciprocated, kissing you with as much love as she could pour into the sweet kiss.

"Can't believe I get to call you my wife soon." She whispered in awe.

"Me neither. I'm sorry I ruined the surprise."

"You didn't ruin it, baby. You said yes, that's all I care about. Now, will you let me take you to dinner, my beautiful fiancee?"

The words made you weak in the knees, so happy you could just burst. But you nodded and even changed into a different shirt so your ring couldn't be hidden by any sleeves.

You wanted to wear it with pride, flaunt it and show it off because you're the lucky one who gets to spend forever with your best friend and the love of your life.

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