you have an asthma attack

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What a beautiful day it was!

Your shoulders were kissed by both Selena's lips and the rays of the sun shining down on your skin. Your fingers were intertwined within Selena's as she made you smile and giggle about the experiences she had in the studio this week.

It was a long week, certainly. But looking back, it was worth it because you have the next few days to spend with your girlfriend and the weather was perfect to do whatever you pleased. There were hardly any clouds in the sky, only a few small ones here and there, allowing you to admire the beautiful blue with Selena as you strolled through the park.

"I started writing a song for you." She admitted, and if it was possible your smile only grew wider.

"I can't wait to hear it! I already know it's gonna be amazing." You giggled and kissed her cheek, but you suddenly heard a yell come from behind you and your eyes widened when you and Selena both spotted a few paparazzi starting to make their way to you.

"Of course they found us. Why am I not surprised?" She groaned. "We're almost back to the car. Wanna go around again or do you just wanna head somewhere else?"

"Somewhere else."

She nodded and squeezed your hand. Your walk turned into a jog which turned into a run. You could feel the air leaving your lungs and your chest becoming tighter. It was like you couldn't breathe, and you knew excactly what was happening.

"Wait, Selena, stop! I can't, I can't breathe." You stopped walking and heard the wheeze coming from your lungs.

"Your asthma?"

You nodded.

"Where's your inhaler? In your backpack? In your pocket? Baby, tell me!" She said worriedly and helped you to the ground.

"My backpack." You gasped, trying to stay calm, knowing that if you panicked it would only make things worse.

The backpack on your back was small, thankfully. With not much in it, it wouldn't be hard to find your inhaler.

"Hurry, please, Sel."

She nodded and breathed out a sigh of relief when she felt it in her hands. "Here it is!" She said, quickly pulling the cap off and putting it between your lips. She puffed it once, listening to you breathe it in. "Slow, deep breath." She reminded you and watched you closely to make sure it was helping. "One more?"

You nodded your head quickly and another puff entered your lungs. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. Your shoulders slumped and you breathed in and out slowly as Selena watched.


You nodded a moment later, when it felt like you could actually breathe again.

"I think so." You said, letting your head fall to her shoulder. "Where to now?" You asked, listening to her chuckle in response.

"Home to let you rest. Then dinner later, my treat." She kissewd your forehead and took your hand, so relieved to see that you were okay.

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