she surprises you on tour (requested)

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With your phone pressed to your ear, you listened to it ring, again and again, only to reach Selena's voicemail once more. You ended the call and hugged your knees to your chest while twirling the promise ring around your finger that she gave you before you headed out on tour.

You miss her lots. She couldn't tag along because of her own work. You understood, knowing that you've been in her shoes once or twice before when she's had to leave. But the distance is beginning to take a toll on you.

You're trying to make it through with phone calls and facetime. But it's hard on nights like these when she's busy and can't talk when you have to go on stage and don't get to hear from her before then.

You picked your phone back up. You planned on trying to facetime her, but before you could there was a knock on your dressing room door. Part of you hoped that Selena was standing behind it and you'd see her face when you yelled 'come in!", but it was only your manager.

"Y/N? It's showtime!"

You frowned and stared down at your phone, causing him to let out a sigh. He stepped into the room and put his hand on your shoulder. "I know you miss her and I know you usually talk to her before each show. She's your good luck charm, right?"

You nodded.

"But you have twenty thousand excited fans waiting to see you. I'll hold onto your phone and if she calls while you're on stage, I'll tell you first thing when you come off stage."

"Okay." You sighed. "Thank you. I'm ready."

He led you out of the room and your security guards led you down the long hallway. You took a deep breath and swallowed down the lump in your throat. You could hear the loud screams and as much as you wanted to talk to Selena before you went on stage, you knew they were excited to see you - and you weren't about to let them down.

They pulled back the curtains and you stepped onto the stage. You took a moment to stare out at the crowd of fans before you started to sing. Your fans started to go crazy as they sang and danced along with you, screaming at the top of their lungs and feeling an indescribable amount of happiness; like you felt.

It was only during your second song when the fans in the first two rows screamed even louder than before. You were surprised at first, but didn't think much of it; just thinking since you were stepping closer to them, they were growing more excited.

But then you noticed something strange. There was one fan in the very front row with a sign that covered their face. They had yet to pull it down, so you got closer to them.

You knelt on the stage in front of them. You saw one fan elbow the other and the sign was pulled down, revealing that it was no ordinary fan; but rather your biggest fan.

"Surprise!" Selena cheered.

In shock, the last few lyrics of the song were forgotten. You had tears in your eyes and you weren't ashamed to let them fall. You got close to the edge of the stage and, knowing who she was, your guards let Selena step as close as she could to you so you could give her a much-needed hug.

She felt your tears hit her skin so she pulled away and wiped the ones on your cheeks.

"Don't cry, baby."

"Sorry, Sel. I've just missed you so much."

And suddenly, her lips were on yours. You knew your fans were capturing the moment and articles and fans would be sharing them soon. But you didn't care at all. You were just over the moon to have her back in your arms and to be able to hold her and kiss her again.

"I've missed you too, sunshine. You've done great tonight."

"I'm only on my second song." You reminded her with a giggle.

"I know, but you're still doing amazing. You have such a beautiful voice and I'm so happy to get to hear it again. Now, go crush it. Some of your fans came a long way to see you; pour out your heart and soul as you always do. I'm here to cheer you on every step of the way."

She kissed your cheek and then let you go so you could perform again. This time, you seemed much happier now; and it made her feel so good to know that she's one of the reasons why.

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