you're blind (requested)

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You've been blind since you were young, so it's nothing new to you to not be able to experience the world like everyone else gets to.

It was an adjustment having to learn to do things differently than everyone else, but once you became more aware of your surroundings it became easier to deal with. You relied on the kindness of others, having to truly put your trust in to complete strangers. It was something that was probably scary to most people, but became a regular occurrence for you.

And that's how you met Selena. You walked into the cafe that morning. It's the same one you go to almost everyday. You feel so relaxed there, the workers all know you and they were all more than willing to help you out with anything you needed. But you heard a voice that morning that you didn't recognize. It was soft and sweet, and it made you smile.

She was out with her friends but they ended up going home to give you and Selena some time alone, to get to know each other. At first you feared that Selena was judging you, maybe making fun of you, a small reminiscing from when you were younger. But you trusted her like you do everyone else, because that's all you've ever known, and Selena admired that.

But it became a little harder to deal with when you actually started dating Selena. When she told you who she was and what she does for a living you felt a little sad about it, because you knew you'd never actually get to see her live out her dreams.

But day by day Selena proved to you that just because you couldn't see everything she did, didn't mean you couldn't envision it. Every photoshoot, every song cover, every performance was described to you by her, so you could envision it all. It made you feel better and more secure. It made you feel like you weren't at a disadvantage anymore just because you're blind.

But then things changed a little more, pretty recently. People kept coming up to you, fans that said that they recognized you. They'd tell you how lucky you are to have Selena and that she's lucky to have you too. And then you realized that you'll never get to see all these wonderful things that people told you about her everyday.

You'll never get to see her eyes and how they light up everytime she sees you. Or the blush that covers her cheeks when you tell her that you just know how insanely beautiful she is. And though not being able to see is something you've just dealt with your entire life, it all began to just hit you at once. Before meeting Selena you never really cared much about not being able to see the color of the leaves on the trees or the white blanket of snow that covers the ground in the winter. But those are things she likes, and you didn't get to see that with her.

You felt a little embarrassed. You started to feel like a bit of a burden, going back to doing things on your own, despite Selena wanting to help you with everything. She knew something was up with you. She's tried to get it out of you but it's like you're determined not to talk about it. She felt bad, like she did something wrong, maybe something that had hurt you.

You broke down that night on the couch. Just the simple touch of her hand on your own made you crumble. "Shh, it's okay. Tell me what's going on, angel. What's the matter?" She was worried, her fingertips traveling up and down your body; from your cheeks to your sides to your hips then back to your face, anything she could touch that she knew brought you comfort. "It's stupid." You said softly, feeling Selena wiping away your tears from your cheeks.

"If it's making you upset then it's not stupid, baby. Now tell me what it is. You can trust me, you know that." You sniffled and bit your lip. "Aren't you tired of me burdening you?" Selena was taken aback by the question. A frown instantly on her face, her heart feeling like it was slowly breaking. "Oh my beautiful girl, you are not a burden. Why would you even think that?"

"I just feel like a nuisance. Selena, there are so many girls out there that love you, I know that because they approach me every time I'm out. They tell me how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to have you. But I don't know that to the extent they do. Wouldn't you rather have someone who can see how truly beautiful you are? Someone who you don't have to pity or help everyday by doing simple tasks when we go to new places or do new things? Someone who can see you live out your dream when you perform to millions of your fans?"

Selena wiped away her own tears, shaking her head furiously. "Y/n how can you not see that you are everything that I could ever want? You think that because you're blind that I see you as less than or that I pity you? Because that couldn't be further from the truth. I know you can't see it, how truly beautiful and amazing you are, but I do. I'd be fucking crazy to let you go. That would make me so close-minded and i'd be missing out on the best part of my life - you. I'll never love you any less just because you can't see. I'm never gonna think any less of you, my love."

You smiled, the feeling of her lips against yours seconds later making you weak in the knees. You felt her hand guide yours to her hair, the feeling and the texture of it in between your fingers was soft, and your grin widened. "And baby, don't think that you don't make me feel beautiful just because you can't see me. You're the only person that's ever loved me this way. You tell me that i'm beautiful everyday, and yet you can't see me; you tell me that you don't need to because you can tell from the way I talk and the way I treat you. Know that that is more than I could've ever hoped for when it came to finding the love of my life. I thank my lucky stars for you everyday."

"The love of your life? You love me that much?" Selena just smiled and took your hands in hers. "Of course I do. You're my soulmate, sunshine." You put your head on her shoulder, the rhythmic sound of her heartbeat in your ear making your eyes well up with tears. "You wouldn't love me any less if I was the one that was blind, and I want you to know that i'll never love you any less because you're blind. You see the good in others, you trust them without thinking twice, and I think that's beautiful, as are you." Her lips brushed along your cheek, dragging along every part of your face before they met yours again, and you melted right then and there.

You know that she's your soulmate too. No one has ever loved you like she does, and you know that you're unconditionally loved by her every single day.

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