you get a puppy together

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Your heart was soaring in your chest as you walked around the kennel. Selena held your hand as you both looked around at the puppies.

You've been begging Selena for this for so long but with her being so busy filming, recording, and traveling so much she thought it wasn't a good idea at the time. But her schedule has calmed down now and she's ready to finally get a puppy with you.

"See one that you think would be good for us yet?" You shrugged in response, certainly getting any puppy would be exciting but you haven't gotten that feeling yet. The feeling you couldn't really describe but you'd know it when you felt it.

You looked around for a few more minutes until you felt something at your foot. You looked down and saw a puppy trying to play with your shoelace and that's when you had that feeling. You bent down and pet the puppy, your heart leaping as he wagged his tail and barked. Selena looked over at you and saw the puppy so she bent down and started petting it too.

He was indeed a happy puppy and you just knew that he was the one. "I want him! Can we get him?" Selena looked into your eyes and saw how they sparkled. You looked so happy and she can tell that you're already in love with the pup, so she said the only thing she could.

"Yes." You cheered and picked the puppy up to cradle it close to your chest. It started to lick your face and you laughed, and Selena couldn't stop herself from laughing along with you.

She went to sign all the papers while you picked out a bunch of things your puppy will need. Food, treats, and probably way too many toys but you knew Selena would get them for him regardless.

You kept the leash in one hand while you held Selena's in your other. "Selena?" She looked at you with a smile. "Thank you for today, for deciding we could finally get a dog together. I already love him so much."

Selena leaned over and kissed your cheek, slinging her arm across your shoulder as you giggled over your new puppy barking and wagging his tail happily. "You're welcome, sunshine. I love him too. We're a little family now and I have a feeling he's gonna keep us on our toes."

Selena let go of your hand and bent down to pet the puppy. You tried to bite back the smile on your face but it was nearly impossible. You hoped that one day, your little family would grow even more.

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