she helps you relax when you're nervous about flying

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"Isn't this exciting?" Selena squealed as she stared out the window. Her knees were bouncing as she attempted to contain her excitement. Yours, however, were bouncing from your nerves.

You're heading to Tahiti for a much-needed vacation. One week on one of the most beautiful Islands with your girlfriend sounded like a dream. A week to relax and have the time of your life! You know it'll be an unforgettable experience. But it's an eight-hour flight there and you're struggling to see the upside when you're feeling so anxious.

"No," you said, swallowing thickly in hopes of ridding the lump in your throat.

Selena noticed that your hands were shaking. She laid hers over yours before lacing your fingers together. She watched as you squeezed your eyes shut and bounced your knee harder.

"Are you nervous, angel?"

"Very. I-I don't know if I can do it, Selena."

She shushed you softly and gently took your chin in her hand. When you locked eyes you thought you'd see a look of worry in hers, but she looked calm. She knew you'd be able to tell if she was nervous. She didn't wanna make things worse for you. She knows how much you're looking forward to this vacation and she knows how much you need it. You just had to get through this rough part.

"It's okay." She said. "I know you're nervous. I know you haven't really been on many planes before, but I promise you that you're safe."

You exhaled shakily before licking your dry lips. "How do you know?"

She just smiled at you and let her thumb brush along your jaw. "Because I'm here with you. You're always safe with me." She watched as the scared look in your eyes faded away slightly from the comfort her words held. "Also, I've flown many, many times in my life and I'm still here, right?"

You nodded your head with a giggle.

"I love you and I'm right here with you. You're gonna be just fine. I promise you."

You let your head fall to her shoulder. Her lips stretched into a smile when yours brushed against her neck.

"Oh! I just remembered something." She reached onto the floor and grabbed the bag between her feet. Her eyes were sparkling with happiness as she pulled out your small throw blanket. She knows you find comfort in it, and she brought it in her carry on bag for just that reason.

"Here we go, baby girl." She said as she covered your legs with the blanket. "And," she also pulled out a travel pillow. She tucked it under your neck and then kissed your forehead. "There. Nice and cozy."

You let your head fall to her shoulder. You started to relax as her fingers brushed along your arm and she whispered sweet words into your ear. You didn't even worry when the plane took off!

"You're so brave, my girl. One week of you and me, stress-free and as calm as can be, begins now." She whispered in your ear, leaving a few little kisses to the shell of it and underneath your ear, causing you to relax even further.

"I love you."

"Not as much as I love you, y/n." She let her head fall onto yours and she hummed in your ear, softly singing 'crowded room' to you.

You knew then that as long as Selena was with you, you could do anything.

Selena Gomez Imagines (gxg) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now