On the area around us are countless light green, wind attribute monster cores. I am currently collecting it as it reached an amount of 480.....some are scattered so I didn't pursued in collecting those anymore.

Legion was on standby mode as it follows me while cooling its main weapon, 5 Plasma Drones are also hovering around us. I already got out of Legion since i tried inspecting if there are damage at its parts.

[How hot is your main weapon Legion?]

[1000 degrees celsius, predicted time of cooling...1 hour—](Legion)

[Phew~.........i definitely overdid it—...Legion report any damage]

[Damage...None, chassis at 100% integrity](Legion) at least Legion didn't got damaged nor scratched.
The titan also leveled to 2, indicating an increase in sturdiness.

It is decided, i should never use explosives when there are swarm type monsters inside the dungeon floor. Those guys are too sensitive regarding those.


[.....To think i was lucky that the Smart Core was ready to activate upon arrival.......lady luck is on me today—] i then check to see my personal growth on this matter, i should have gained experience since i was the one controlling Legion...



Name: Jack Cooper


Race: Human


Job:[Pilot] Adventurer

Job classes:-----









Summon:Titan (7):-/-


Pulse blade:-/-


Grapple hook:-/-


Holo pilot:-/-

Thruster jump:-/-



Game screen(map,compass,clock,calendar,inventory):-/-


Parallel Thinking : level 4

Spear fishing: level 1

Fire Magic: level 5


Abnormal state resistance:-:-



[Transported individual]


Hmm.....no new skill learned.....yeah that should be it. In just a small span of days, i already reached level 50. As expected of dungeons, it really is a great grinding area.

But...i had a crisis just now. How am i gonna store Legion?.....inventory doesn't store him.....hmm?? He can be called off?

Legion suddenly became light particles together with the plasma drones as i called it off, and something happened...

{Legion called off, available titans (7)—}

Oh wow— as the skill said, i can only summon one at a time and i can call it off. This is really amazing. I should change to my adventuring clothes now...the IMC pilot battle suit is too eye catching. But importantly...Legion learned a new ability upon hitting level 2/5.

So that is expected to the remaining 6 huh.....this is amazing, if i will deploy my plasma drones together with Legion's, the scope of scouting would reach a large scale and it would be effective. But that's for another time. The staircase to the 5th floor is already in front of me.

[....uh.........I don't feel good regarding what my next enemy will be....i wonder what is the sub-boss?]

Ascending to the 5th floor, the torches on the sides were different. They are glowing under a bluish and black flame.....somehow this makes me feel uneasy. Let's just rest for now.

Arriving at the 5th floor, what greeted me was huge marble double door.....that is heavy is it? At least i can rest for now....

Eating some food i bought from the stalls at Miruzo City, i then munched unto it and filled my belly, rehydrating myself.....yep....i am now ready. Opening my inventory, i then took out the L-star energy based light machine gun.

[It is majestic—] inspecting the gun further, it was the exact L-Star from the game "Titan Fall 2" which fires at a rate of...125 shots per 10 seconds. So it's 12.5 bullets per second which is a pretty good LMG that you can use during your low level days at the game. It was an early accessible LMG that had good performance but it overheats after firing at a long time. So most players like me use it on burst-fire mode.

I also took out some few non explosive throwable... but i wonder...is thermite grenade an explosive? I then took out 5 arc stars and readied it for use.

[*Sigh~* i hope this goes well— okay! Let's defeat whatever is inside this room and return to the city after that—]

Contrary to my expectation, the door was not heavy...it was too light as if its material was an illusion.


Rusty! The doors open with a loud screech indicating that the hinges are already rusty and not well lubricates. Waa— this suspense is building too much.

As i completely opened the door, what greeted me was a slime...a slime yeah....unless i would appraise it.

Miasma-born Black Slime

Aka, Goo. A very very nasty enemy. According to the book, this guy is known to...

As i thought of that, the doors then shut close. The Goo then started to emit....blackish blue miasma.....inflammable miasma.

[Did i just got on an even more dangerous situation?]

Gripping the L-Star and readying the arc stars and thermite grenades, my battle between the Goo will now begin. Wish me luck, myself.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotWhere stories live. Discover now