My Brother's Keeper: Part 6

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"So uh... Danny? (y/n)? You know I think your great right?" Jazz asked sitting on the table as Danny gave his remark. "Yeah right, that's now what we hear." "Then you've heard wrong. Look I know you think I'm pushy and I'm a know it all, I know you think I can be a jerk know you can stop me at any time." Jazz explained as we both gave her a smirk.

"We know." We stated in unison as Jazz sighed, continuing her speech. "All I'm saying is I'm your sister Danny and your like a sister to me (y/n), I care about you two; and even though you don't think I'll understand you can talk to me about anything." Danny looked away from Jazz with a frown.

Looking at Danny I wait for him to look at me and when he does I give a slight nod. "Um-" Danny started when we heard a huge crash that knocked us off our balance. A giant hole in the wall was made as we saw Jack had vaporized the couch with the Fenton Peeler. "I'm just saying if we could find those ghost children at Jazz's school we're gonna peel that ghost-like an onion!" Jack shouted in delight as Maddie asked him "Well we can't completely vaporize them, don't you want to at least examine the remains?" "Exactly, I want to figure out their powers then we can use them!" Dad chimed in excitedly as me, Jazz and Danny frowned before he shoved her away saying "I don't feel like talking about it." "Me either." 

I stated as we crossed our arms and turned our backs at her causing Jazz to tell us "Yeah I'd imagine not." Before she left though she walked up and kissed Danny behind the head and then did the same to me, causing us both to give a small smile at her as she walked away.

"Oh gross." I heard Danny say with a disgusted look while I chuckled at his reaction. "Um is it me or is this the worst Spirit Week in the history of Casper High Spirit Weeks?" Sam asked the next day of school, gesturing towards everyone who was acting mopey and depressed. We overheard Dash and Kwan as they explained to each other their horrible future lives. Apparently, Dash was gonna pump gas at a gas station and Kwan is supposed to become a hobo.

 "Did you know wrinkles can start immerging as early as your mid-twenties." We heard Paulina tell Valerie as they pasted us. I rolled my eyes at the two as Danny told us "And to make it even worse we have to listen to Jazz's idiot speech where she tries to put the I back in spirit! Or some other nonsense."

We see her skipping down the hallway as Danny continues his rant. "What the heck is she so happy about?" "Don't ask me, I'm usually the sour one around here but with everyone else, I'm the goth bird of happiness," Sam said pointing at all the other students as Tucker chimes in. "Me too, and we're the only two people in this school who haven't had a session with Dr. Spectra."

What Tucker said got me thinking before an idea popped in my head as I said "Wait a minute...let me see something." I quickly grabbed Tucker's PDA and started going through his files as all three of my friends watch when I come across a certain photo of me and Danny in the baby costumes. "Uh, I was gonna delete that." Tucker said nervously when Danny caught on to what was in the photo as he muttered to Tuck "Glad you didn't, look at that." Danny grabbed the PDA from me and showed Tucker and Sam as he whispered to them "I kept thinking I was seeing my breath, that it's cold but what if it's my ghost sense?" "What if Spectra is somehow making people more miserable?" I ask before wondering to myself "What if she's a ghost?

Smirking Sam told us "Only one way to find out." Tucker and Sam went to have a session with Dr. Spectra and when they came out they looked awful.

"I hate my life." Tucker said blankly as Sam told him "I hate your life more." "Bye, bye and remember there's only an I in misery if you spell it that way!" Spectra shouted to the two as she shut her door. Danny and I had gone ghost awhile ago and I met up with him as he 'brought me up to speed' with what's going on. We flew into Spectra's office, making sure we were invisible as we watched her youth get replenished with a green mist surrounding her. "Man that's good, I'm gonna miss these kids, they're a waterfall of misery."

 Spectra mumbled to herself as she looked over Sam and Tucker's files when Bertrand flew in. "There you are. You hooked up the device?" "Of course and when the Spirit Sparklers go up vaporizing the only chipper kid left in the entire school, there'll be enough misery and anguish in that room to keep us looking young forever."

Bertrand said excitedly while we gasped in horror. The bell rang and the two left the room, Bertrand shape-shifting into his human form as Spectra told him "Well there's the bell, shall we go hear a spirit speech and bum some more kids out?" Danny and I made our presence known and looked at  each other as Danny shouted "Jazz!" "Jazz!" I think to myself as we race out of the room. At the assembly, the cheerleaders were on but they just stood there meekly saying their cheer when Mr. Lancer intervened. 

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