13: Part 2

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"Thanks (y/n)..." Tucker muttered as he looked sadly at his PDA. 

"Tuck? What's wrong?" I ask putting my hand on his shoulder to comfort him when he starts to shout, startling me into falling into Danny's arms. 

"Alright, that's it! Here you take it! I'm sick of being labeled! By the end of the day, nobody's gonna call Tucker Foley a techno-geek anymore!" Tucker exclaimed as he handed his PDA to Sam and stormed off. 

Helping me back up to my feet Danny asks, "Hey you alright, (y/n)?" 

I soon became a blushing mess as I told him I was fine. 

"You sure? Your face is all red, could you be getting sick?" Danny pointed out as he put his hand to my forehead, which only made me blush harder.

"She said she's fine, c'mon we gotta go after Tuck!" Sam exclaimed before Danny could say anything and we began to chase after Tucker, passing Jazz as she looked at the clown art. 




"Sure he's smiling on the outside but I can sense the tortured soul just below the surface," Jazz comments staring at the portrait of an over-smiling clown when the clown artist speaks up.

"No. He's smiling on the inside too."

Johnny rides his bike on the telephone wires as he uses his ring to show Jazz to Kitty as he tells her, "There! That's her, the kid of that big fat idiot that fried your body." 

"Hm, she'll do for now." 

"Shadow, truck!" Johnny shouted, sending his shadow out as it went to the nearest truck.




 "Maybe I could be the funny guy, maybe the smooth guy, maybe—" Tucker was muttering to himself as he walked under a latter and straight into Dash's fist.

"Check it out, he just walked under a latter into your fist!" Kwan pointed out the obvious as Dash chimed in.

"Hey, we should call him bad luck Tuck." 

"What? Yeah right, Tucker isn't bad luck, you two were just following us because you're trying to help Dash hook up with me, which by the way will NEVER happen and once you saw Tucker wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, you just punched him!" I told them crossing my arms in anger when Tucker blurted out:

"What? No! I'm not bad luck!" 




Danny smiles at (y/n), a light blush dusting his cheeks, he always loved how she stuck up for others. Just as he was about to back her up, out of the corner of his eye he noticed Shadow enter the truck they were standing next to.

"No, but I think I know what is," Danny mumbles as he starts backing away to go ghost.

 Shadow pulled the shift, breaking the stick, causing the truck to roll down the hill, framing Tucker who had backed up into the truck. 

"Oh, great more bad luck," Danny grumbles as he takes off to go ghost.




We watch as seemingly the touch of Tucker sends the truck rolling down the hill and crashing into the roller coaster, snapping the tracks into two, and sending the passengers flying as I take off towards a hidden corner to go ghost and race to save the people with Danny. Danny caught a large fellow who caught two kids, I gasped to see Wes flying to his doom, quickly I caught him, and dropped him into the ball pit where he emerged with a tape recorder. 

"Give me a quick confirmation that ghosts are real that's all I'm asking!" He smirks at me, shoving the tape recorder in my face.

Giving him a blank stare I silently grab the tape recorder and throw it back into the ball pit before pushing him deeper into the ball pit and fly to Danny.

Danny sighs in relief when we hear Jazz shout, we look to see the carts pummeling down towards her. Quickly we fly toward her when suddenly she's grabbed right before the carts smash into the fence. When the smoke clears we see her on the back of the motorcycle of the ghost motorcyclist we chased two days ago. Quickly changing back we raced to the two to make sure she was ok. 

"Jazz! Are you alright?!" Danny and I ask in worried unison.

"I'm fine, thanks to..." Jazz says staring dreamily at the motorcyclist as he finishes her sentence.

"Johnny, my name's Johnny...Shouldn't you two be somewhere else?" He asks us rudely.

"No, shouldn't you?" Danny tells him and the two get in each other's faces. 

"Danny, don't be rude! Hi, I'm Jasmine, Jazz..." Jazz intervenes, lightly scolding Danny before introducing herself and noticing how frazzled she looked from the incident. "Ugh wow, I look like I was almost run over by a roller coaster." 

"We- Um excuse me, I think you look perfect Kitten, but here I'd bet you'd look great in this," He hands Jazz the purple scarf and she puts it on.

Danny, Jazz, and I correct Johnny, telling him her name wasn't Kitten.

Jazz's eyes glow green for a moment before she glares at us and jabs us as she tells him, "But you can call me that if you want." 

"Ride home Kitten?" He asks her and she instantly jumps on and they speed away leaving us in the dust. 


When we got home we saw Johnny's bike parked outside and Danny asked in an annoyed tone, "He's here? Oh man, this can't be good." 

Walking inside we see them talking, Johnny giving her a red coat that she instantly puts on and she glows green. The two began to lean in for a kiss when Danny slammed the door shut and we glared at the two, making them pause and glare back at us before we walked away.

"Thanks again for agreeing to help me keep Jazz away from that creep," Danny thanked me grabbing my hands and holding them tightly.

"You're welcome." 

We both began to blush and our attention went to our hands, quickly letting go both of our faces turned a deeper shade of red as we gave each other a goofy smile when we heard  Johnny start to ask suspicious questions.

"Hey, ain't you got a place in here where we can uh...You know...Be alone? Like a basement?" 

"As a matter of fact, I do. C'mon." 

"'Like a basement'? Obvious ulterior motive much?" I ask, and Danny nods.

"You go down there and make sure they aren't doing anything, I'll go get my parents."

Last Edit - July 10th, 2020

Revised - July 21st, 2024

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