Attack of the Killer Garage Sale: Part 6

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Author: No I don't think the dress is too fancy for this kind of party plus your best friend from your hometown in the story made the dress for you.




Sam sat in the recliner with an annoyed face, getting tired of answering Tucker's questions and just wanting to watch a movie. "Tucker are we watching movies or not?" 

Stuffing his mouth with popcorn Tucker said, "Okay, okay just a few more questions. Could you buy a plane? A yacht? Um...A bowling alley?" Tucker asked Sam as he tried to figure out how loaded she was. 

Though tired of his questions, Sam still answered them. "Yup, yup, nope there's no place to put a second one," Sam pressed a button when the back wall opened up to show a bowling alley where people were playing their rounds before the back wall was put back.

Sitting back down in the recliner, Tucker sniffed the air before stating, "That's weird because you don't smell stinking rich." 

Having had enough she asks, "Would you stop it? That's the whole reason why I didn't tell anybody. Except for (y/n) when she moved in."

"I don't get it, with all this money why do you hang out with me, (y/n), and Danny? If you flash a little of that bling, bling you'd be Miss Popularity," Tucker explained excitedly. 

Sam sighed as she told Tucker, "I don't need popularity Tucker, especially if I have to buy it."

 Chuckling a bit Tucker said, "You should tell that to Danny, can you believe people actually spent good money on that old junk from his parent's shed?"

 Pulling out a remote that she had bought from the garage sale and showing it to Tucker with a smile Sam stated, "Well I did snag this really cool remote for 3 bucks and he did give Dash a pretty good deal on the computer stuff." 


Dash sat at his computer fixing everything up as he said to himself, "Maybe Fenton isn't such a loser, after all, heh, heh as if. This thing runs like a race car...WOAH! Getting late, better shower and change before the early birds show up," Dash walked out of his room turning off his watch from the party notification without realizing that his computer was possessed by Technus.


Jazz was in the kitchen getting dinner when she noticed the possessed hot dogs were still in the fridge as she muttered to herself, "Great leftovers." 

"Well? Is it the bomb? Is it fresh? Is it stoopid? With an O, O," Danny asked Jazz as he slid into the kitchen wearing the baggy sweat pants which were white with neon turquoise stripes on the sides, a black shirt with a matching jacket for the pants, a gold chain necklace and card dealers hat that had the same colors as the jacket and pants. 

Putting her hands on her hips Jazz looked over Danny and told him, "Oh it's stupid, I'll give you that." 

Still trying to sound confident Danny told Jazz, "You'll change your mind when you see me at the party. When are you changing?" 

"Not changing, not going." 

Danny looked shocked at Jazz as he sputtered to say, "What?! But you're the only reason Dash invited me." 




"Annoyingly me too," I said walking into the room as Danny gasped at the sight of me while Jazz smiled.  

"(y/n) you look amazing! Who's the lucky guy?" Jazz asked me suspiciously.

I gave myself a quick chuckle before answering her question. "Danny. He asked me out to Dash's party."

Jazz gasped as she looked at her brother who turned red in the face while I crossed my arms and looked at him expectantly with a teasing smirk. Danny was speechless as he just looked at me in awe.

"Wow you made him go speechless; anyway Danny? About our conversation earlier: not caring...Not staying," Jazz said before walking out of the room when Mr. Fenton rushed in shouting.

"Code Red! Somebody has raided the junk shed while we were away! Danny, (y/n) did you see anything?!" 

Danny began to sweat as he began stuttering again, "Uh...Uh, no...NO not a thing but we should compare notes once we get back from the party bye!" Danny quickly grabbed my hand before I could say anything and rushed us to Dash's party, leaving Mr. Fenton to deal with the ghostly hot dogs.

When we finally got to Dash's place, I heard Danny mutter to himself.

"Okay, this is it...Don't screw it up, look out world here comes Danny Fenton!" 

Shaking my head and sighing I take Danny's hand, squeezing it reassuringly, and tell him, "Danny this party might not be what you are expecting ok? So be prepared to be let down but just so you know I don't regret coming, I'm glad I could be here to support you." 

Chuckling Danny said, "Me too."

 Subconsciously we had put our foreheads together as we gave each other a small smile when Dash opened the door...Wearing Danny's clothes...?

 We instantly took a step away from each other as Danny looked over Dash asking, "Uh...Dash?"

"Oh right, right. You two aren't really part of my posse so you didn't get the email. Y'see after buying all that computer stuff I didn't have enough money to buy the sweatsuit so I changed the dress code to loser sheek."

We looked inside to see people dressed up like Danny, Sam, Tucker, and me as Danny grumbled under his breath.

"Oh swell."

Crossing my arms I tell Danny, "See Danny? They're mocking us. They clearly aren't your friends." 

Before Danny could answer me Dash grabbed me and raced to the dance floor, while I struggled to get away, I watched Paulina dressed up as me, approach Danny, and insult him.

"You like it? It's so horrible it's cool...Ech who dressed you? Your mom?" 

Last Edit - August 2nd, 2021

Revised - April 18th, 2024

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