13: part 4

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"We're changing his image," Sam stated as she walked over to Tuck and he exclaimed with "That's right! No more bad luck Tuck, I'm changing my image...again." "C'mon you can't pull of goth." Danny pointed out, getting the two to arch an eyebrow as I chimed in. "Plus isn't Sam supposed to be the goth one?" "Yeah, I am and so can Tuck! Tucker show them your disaffected scowl." Tucker starts scrunching up his face before putting on the 'I don't care' scowl. "Nope, nope, I can still see some hope."

Sam stated as she starts dragging him away telling us "If you need us tonight, we'll be at Tucker's. Darkening his outlook on the world, won't that be fun?" "Yeah, at wait...what are we going to be doing at Tucker's?" Later that night Johnny appeared at Jazz's window, beckoning for her to let him in.

"Hey, Kitten is this a good time?" "Yep, my parents are asleep, wanna come up and listen to some CDs or something?" She asked letting him in. The two snuck by the parent's room to the lab and Johnny pulled out the ring. "So what do you say kiddo? Wanna be my girl?" "She's not anybody's girl," Danny said as we came out of the shadows, arms crossed and they began to yell. "Stop spying on us!"

 Walking up to Jazz, Danny begins to pull off the jacket and scarf as he stated "No! We won't, any more than you would if it were me! C'mon Jazz, think like the brain surgeon you keep telling us you're gonna be. Does this seem right? Don't you think I'm doing this because I have a reason?"

Suddenly Johnny grabs Danny by the collar of his shirt, as the jacket and scarf fall of Jazz and he states, "You know what punk, we've had just about enough of you." "Hey! Hands of my little brother!" Jazz shouts before Johnny could punch Danny and I pull him toward me, holding his hand tightly. "Eh whatever, then we do this the hard way, Shadow, shelf!" He instructed his shadow, which picked up the shelf and threw it at me and Danny.

 Danny pushed me out of the way and we watched as he was crushed by it, all the while Jazz and I were shouting his name. Jazz had outstretched her hand in front of Johnny, who then forced the ring on her before forcing the jacket and scarf back on her, and forced her to open the portal.

Kitten appeared at the portal and started transferring her being into Jazz and the two began to switch places. I had long since changed into my ghost form and had punched Johnny, as he skidded across the floor Danny flew up in his ghost form and snatched the ring, causing Kitten to go back into the Ghost Zone. "I don't know exactly what's going on, but I know you can't do it without this!"

Danny flashes the ring in Johnny's face before he shouts while grabbing me "See ya freak show!"  Soon Shadow was chasing us as Danny called Tucker and Sam. Meanwhile, Sam had finally convinced Tucker to take back his title of techno-geek.

Finally, Danny got ahold of our friends and I gasp as I pull Danny up, away from Shadow's attack. "I need geek." "C'mon Johnny, you know I can't switch places with her unless she's wearing my stuff!" Kitten shouted, waking up the Jack and Maggie in the process. The two walk towards the door to see what all the ruckus was about, but Johnny was faster and he slammed the door, blocking it with a chair. "Hey!" Jack shouted when he saw Johnny. "Sorry pops didn't want you cramping my style."

Jack then punches the door, leaving an indentation of his fist. Danny and I were flying all over town, tossing the ring to each other from time to time as bad luck was spewn across the city. "C'mon guys!" "He's working on it!" "Danny look out!" Danny looked up from his phone in time to see Shadow's fist about to collide with his face. He went crashing into a bench when he heard Tucker shout "We're got to go!" "C'mon it's time for somebody else to get a little bad luck," I state helping Danny up to his feet as we mock the shadow and race to our destination. Meanwhile, Jack was still struggling with the door. "Jack calm down, try being a little more gentle," Maggie said soothing her husband down as we phased through their door and into the basement.

Shadow was on our tail and he broke the door, so when Maggie turned the knob, the door fell inward. "See?" "Well hey, I loosened it!" Down in the basement Johnny was holding Jazz captive as he made googly eyes at Kitten, when we flew into the room, flying into everything as it broke from Shadow, putting the blame on Johnny.

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