Bitter Reunions: Part 6

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I stood anxiously at the stairway waiting for Danny to come back, what Vlad had said concerned me, and the fact he was missing as well only made me more suspicious. Having had enough I make my way up and peek inside to see Vlad transform into that ghost from earlier, Danny trapped in some cube.

"You! What are you doing with Danny?!" I shouted running into the lab causing Danny and Vlad to turn their heads at me. 

"Ah, you've finally decided to show up!" Vlad shouted reaching into his cloak as Danny shouted to me.

"(y/n) get outta here!" 

"Not without you!" I yelled, running towards Danny when Vlad tossed the black cube that trapped me in the same trap Danny was in; I was instantly shocked and I let out a pained scream.

"Now then as I was saying before I was interrupted, I have this: a spectral energy neutralizer designed by Skulker, paid for by me, and as long as you two are contained within that box you're as human as your idiot parents." 

"Let us outta here!" Danny shouted, still trying to escape.

"Why? So you can go back to stumbling through your adolescence desperately trying to get control of your powers? Powers by the way that I've had for twenty years. I have experience my children, and the money and power attained by using these powers for personal gain you see? I could train you, teach you everything I know and all you'd have to do is renounce your idiot father and your weak mother," Vlad stated showing off his abilities by creating a force field, multiplying himself, and going invisible. 

Danny and I give each other a questioning look before shaking our heads no as Danny tells him, "Dude, you are one seriously crazed up fruitloop. That is never going to happen." 

Laughing maniacally and flying away he tells us, "Yes well, once your father and your mother are out of the way we'll see how you feel." 




Jack stood bored out of his mind as Harriot talked about all her accomplishments. He lets out a sigh that clues her into how he feels.

"Am I boring you, Jack?" Harriot asked annoyed.

"Frankly, yes—" 

Plasmius cuts him off by having a clone overshadow him, sending another to overshadow (m/n) as well.

"So what do you say we liven up this shindig?!" 

Jack grabbed Harriot and threw her into the punch bowl, breaking the table. (m/n) followed in his footsteps, grabbing people and throwing them.

"Jack! (m/n)! What's the matter with you?!" Maddie shouted at them as she and (d/n) ran up to the two. 

"Why Maddie, (d/n), didn't you always know we'd turn on you? That when you chose us, you chose wrong?" Jack asks, looming over the two threateningly when (m/n) starts twitching.

"Get out, get out of me!" 

"I don't know what's come over you, but when I write about this I swear—" Harriot comes running up yelling at the two who were twitching when Jack interrupts her.

"Ghosts, overpowering us, Maddie, (d/n) run," Jack stated grabbing the two before him, and (m/n) shot up into the air screaming.

Everyone started panicking as Harriot asked, "They're ghosts? This is the story of the century!"

 Maddie grabbed one of Harriot's arms while (d/n) grabbed the other shouting.

 "C'mon, we have to get to the Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle! I mean the RV!"




Danny and I continued to struggle to get out of the cube, we had to stop Vlad but it was no use so I decided to try and do some damage control before Danny started asking questions.

"Danny, what was that ghost talking about? Powers? What does he want with our parents?"

"I don't know what he's talking about with the powers but he hates Dad for marrying Mom and turning him into a ghost while he hates your mom because she introduced my parents to each other and 'stole' his best friend, your dad. Now they're in trouble," He explains and I inwardly sigh, grateful he was somewhat dense when he spoke again. "Which reminds me how did you know I was here? You've been missing all night, where have you been?" 

"I've been hiding from you... I'm not entirely sure why. I promise you've done nothing wrong...It's just that I wanted to dance with you but I'm still embarrassed about being in your bed last night and I was worried because of that you'd say no...When I finally got the courage to ask you, Vlad beat me to you and I overheard the entire conversation," I said hanging my head low with a sigh.

Danny looked at me with pure shock written all over his face as he told me, "Say no to dancing with you? (y/n) while yes last night was a little awkward I wouldn't say no to you because of that. I would've loved to dance with you. In fact—" 

"Well gosh and golly it looks like you could use a speck of help there don't 'cha know?" We suddenly hear a new voice and look up to see the ghost of the previous dairy king.

"Hey, you're the dairy king! Oh great, what are you gonna do? Suffocate us with Limberger? Strangle us with Swiss? Or—"

Again Danny was cut off as the dairy king clicked the open button on both of our traps and we were set free.

"Or let us go?"

We kicked away the annoying black boxes as I stated, "Thank you, but why?" 

"Well, not all ghosts are evil, right? Some of us just want to be left alone there don't 'cha know?"

"Hey, will you help us fight Plasmius?" Danny asked with hope before being turned down.

"I'm the dairy king kiddo, kings don't fight, they send other people to fight for 'em. That's royalty 101 there don't 'cha know? Try the Guada, it's dairy fresh!" He floats off and we hear screaming coming from upstairs.

Last Edit - July 10th, 2020

Revised - June 16th, 2024

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