Pirate Radio: Part 1

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Author: Actually forgot about the story for a minute, oops. I know it's not a big deal but hey since I write chapters in a day I'm gonna publish every day so here you go. *Arms self with cleaning products* Now I have all the weapons I need to fight the deadliest thing known to man. Eren: TITANS! Me: No, germs dumbass! (please tell me somebody knows that reference) I'm going to the bathroom to clean Comet's birdcage if I don't make it out alive all my stuff goes to my friends NOTHING FOR ANDY! *Disappears into the bathroom*

It was a starry night and we were on the emergency ops center, our parents had agreed to let us all have a sleepover at Danny's and were preparing our telescopes to stargaze. "Ah, clear skies, no moon. A perfect night for stargazing." Danny said with a sigh as he watched two shooting stars and Sam pulls her telescope down to face the radio stating "More like start snoozing, this music is putting me to sleep can we listen to something else?" She had a point, some new song had come on and it was terrible.

It was supposed to be a calm song but it was using a guitar and drums that sounded like they were supposed to play rock and that's all it was a guitar and drums repeating the same melody, no verses, no bridges, no anything. Tucker began to mess around with the radio as he switched through channels that were playing the same stupid song.

"Survey says: No." Suddenly what felt like a huge Earthquake started and the building started to shake, our ghost senses going off as we watched a huge pirate ship phase from the sidewalk. We watched as hooks were shot onto the tower and ghost pirates had started to swing over as I rushed of claiming on getting the thermos, once inside I go ghost. "Survey says: Going ghost!" Danny shouted as he transformed and I fly next to Danny, both of us outstretching one of our arms and beckoned the pirates to come attack. Before they could come any closer a loud bang of metal hitting wood was heard and the crew along with us look up to see a hook that was attached to the captain who was...A little kid? " Avast ye...Aw man, what's the word?" He questions his skeleton parrot who answers with "Skurvy dogs SKWAK!" 

(Parrots quack like a duck, trust me I've had two parrots and just got two more and all of them quack...except for the cockatiel she screeches, the double-headed yellow amazon he barks, and the chickens who cluck so I'm calling bullshit on the skwak)

"Right! Avast ye scurvy dogs prepared to be boarding by Captain Youngblood and his skeleton crew!" We fly up to the kid who had a hook for a hand, a peg leg, green hair, one ear pierced with a golden ring, and a pirate's costume as I asked "Hey isn't it passed your bedtime kid?" We watch as his hook started to glow red and formed into a slingshot and he shot a small ectoball at us as we were flown back.

"Don't call me kid! I'm mature beyond my years!" Youngblood shouted before contradicting himself by blowing a raspberry and the ghost shield was stolen. "Fall back me hearties we got tha...Got tha...What's the word?" Again he asks his parrot. "Skwak...Booty." "Haha, you said booty haha." Youngblood started laughing along with his crew. "Hey! They're stealing my Dad's ghost shield generator!" 

Danny shouted to himself as he raced to stop them but was blasted by a canon from Youngblood's pegleg and they sailed away. "Nice going maties you just got your butt kicked by short Jhon silver," Sam said with a smug smile and crossing her arms as I helped Danny up. "Hey, considering he just took the Fenton's ghost shield you think you could be a little sympathetic like Tucker? Tucker?" Danny says pointing at Tuck but soon turned to face him when we heard him laughing. I arch my eyebrow as a quiet way of asking what was funny as he points to where Youngblood and his crew had disappeared stating "He said booty." It was Monday morning and when Danny and I walked into the kitchen we found our parents plus Jazz working on their inventions/ eating breakfast with a peaceful smile as that god awful song played on the radio.

As I was making our bowls of cereal Danny had sat down and reach to turn off the radio when everyone in the room except me yelled at him. "Danny!" "Mom, Dad? FYI easy listening isn't that easy can I please turn this off?" Danny begged our parents who started to cradle the radio as they shouted "NO!" "You can't possibly like this music that much," I say walking over to the table and handing Danny his bowl. "I do dear, it relaxes me." Maddie stated with my parents and Jazz saying in unison "And me." "It's much more soothing than that other song I've been hearing all morning."

Jack told us gesturing towards this speaker that was blaring lights while repeating "WARNING! Security breach! Ghost shield not operational!" "Um, that would be the warning signal." Danny pointed out as we turned to his father who didn't seem that bothered that his ghost shield wasn't working.

"And it's interfering with the cool easy sounds of morning radio...So crank up the tunes Jazzy pants." Jack said and Jazz reached over and turned the volume up way louder than it needed to be. We were at school and Danny was telling Sam and Tucker what had happened. "I don't get it! The ghost shields are gone and it barley registers a blip on the parental radar." "My parents have been acting kind of flakey too; all they do is listen to that new age vapor drone that's playing on every station." Sam said rolling her eyes as Tucker chimes in with "Tell me about it, my folks crank it 24/7. Must be a generational thing." "And the worst part is: I can't get it out of my head!" We said in unison as we covered our ears with our hands when we hear it again.

Again we talk simultaneously as we ask putting our hands down "Wait...You hear it too?" We look ahead of us to see the gym with stands out front that read Radio Casper High DJ Auditions Today! We go in to see Mr. Lancer was playing that stupid song as he talked in the mike. "Since we announced our new school radio station an anonymous donor has been kind enough to provide us with these promotional and incredibly soothing vinyl albums." 

"Vinyl? What is this, the stone age?" Tucker asks with a scoff as Lancer continues. "Of course you kids should feel free to as you might say "Bust out your own freaky beats" As long as they're not too freaky or to uh...Beaty." Danny was quick to race up to the booth as he pushed Dash and Kwan out of the way asking "Sweet! Uh...Where do I sign up to yank this crud off the air?"

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