Shades of Grey: Part 5

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Sam and Tucker were watching the commotion from the top of the risers as Sam angrily exclaimed "Oh my gosh! Danny and (s/n) are in trouble! News flash: that's your girlfriend!" "That's awesome! Hey Valerie, wait up!" Tucker jumped from the risers, landing on Valerie as he complimented her suit. Taking action I quickly fly, grabbing Valerie and sticking her in the hoop basket stating "You should be safe here, until help comes. Oh and one more thing: I don't want to ever see you hurt an animal like that again, ghost or not, they're still animals." Val started to wiggle, trying to escape as she told me "Get me down, get me down so I can destroy you and your boyfriend."

Giving her a quick glare I fly away, change back and head into science class, this was the one class that all four of us had. "Tucker, you can't still like her." Danny said, causing Tucker to glare at his already glaring friends as he asks "Why not? For once a girl I like likes me back. Why can't you just roll with that? Not everybody has to like you, Danny. Don't you trust me?" "You yes, it's your hormones I worry about."

 Danny told Tuck as we gestured towards Valerie, who sat across from our lab station, waving at Tuck. Suddenly our ghost senses went off and the distant barking of Cujo could be heard and we watched as Danny and Val shot their hands in the air asking "May I be excused?!" Quickly raising my hand up to I say "I'll go with them, so they don't do anything they aren't supposed to." Once all three of us were able to leave the classroom, Valerie headed for the bathroom while Danny told me "You didn't need to do that." "Yes I did, how else was the teacher gonna let you out?" I ask before running away from him to go ghost. 

Outside Danny and I were leading Cujo away from the school while dodging Valerie's attacks. "279 girls at our school and he's gotta have a crush on the one with the weapons and the grudge," Danny mutters under his breath as he starts sending little ecto energy blasts at Valerie.

Danny hadn't realized that I had heard him until I said "Well this is our fault...sort of. We should do something to help Valerie after we figure out what to do with you." I point to Cujo as we stop and he shrinks back down into a puppy.

Pulling out the dog trainer book, Danny looks in the pages before telling Cujo "Go on boy, get it! I mean...FETCH!" Cujo begins to run towards Axion as we follow and once there, Cujo starts to bark in happiness as Danny questions why he leads us here. "The lab? What your looking for is in there?" We heard people approaching so Danny quickly grabbed ahold of Cujo, covering his mouth and then pulling me close as we inched up to the wall and went intangible as we watched Damen and his boss walk by. "I appreciate the second chance, sir." "As long as nothing else happens we'll see about re-instating your contract. I knew we never should have gotten rid of those guard dogs." Danny and I had a look of confusion on our faces as Danny questioned "Valerie's dad? Oh great." We called Sam and Tucker and met up with them in our ghost forms on top of a hill a little ways from Axion. "We're here, where's man's best friend?" Sam asks looking around for Cujo.

I gave a quick whistle and we watched as Cujo burst through the ground growling, causing Tuck to state "Relax, I'm on your side." "Yeah, so he says," Sam muttered rolling her eyes. "Hey! I'm the one who knocked out the security camera, remember?" Tucker pointed out waving his PDA in front of our faces.

"Okay, good news: there's only one guard. Bad news: It's Valerie's dad." Danny told our friends as they gave us a small sympathetic look while saying together "Ouch." I nodded in agreement as I said "So we think it's safer if we go down by ourselves. The Fenton Fisher should make a good leash." 

Pulling out the fisher and tying Cujo to a tree, Danny stated before we flew down to the lab "You guys watch the dog." "Oh, we will." Sam stated as she and Tucker climbed up the tree and Tucker muttered "From way up here." Meanwhile, in the security office, Damen was getting ready to leave as he exclaimed to his daughter he'd get them a late-night snack. "Will you be okay honey? You got stuff to do?" "I'm fine Daddy, I've got everything I need right here." Valerie began to pat her backpack, causing one of her guns to shoot and her to scream.

"Valerie?!" "I'm ok!" We phased into the building and began to search for what Cujo wanted when I heard Danny say "I wish I knew what we were looking for." Suddenly I got hit by a pink laser and was blasted into the wall, while Danny flew to me and made sure I was ok. "Back to the scene of the crime?" Val asked and Danny told her with a glare " I really hate to do this did hurt (s/n)." 

He zapped away her gun and a shoulder gun appeared as she said "And I don't." Grabbing me by the waist Danny flew us up and out of the building. Soon we fly back in as Tucker questions what was going and Sam bet him it was his girlfriend when Cujo ripped the tree from the ground. A full-on fight was going on as Valerie did that side jump you see in the movies and began to shoot at us, while Danny did the same jump, pulling me closer to his body as we avoided the blasts.

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