Life Lessons: Part 4

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"Hand over the sack, ghost! And nobody gets hurt!" Valerie shouted, aiming her charged gun at Danny as he tried to defuse the situation. "Wait, wait! It's not what you think!" Of course, she didn't listen and started shooting at Danny as he dodged the blasts, choosing to go intangible and fly out of the building with Valerie in tow. "You don't understand this is all a trick, by a ghost named Skulker." Danny tried to explain as he was continuously shot at. Once she had pulled out more weapons Danny landed on the ground and set the sack down.

"Okay, look, see? I'm putting the sack down, right here. You don't want to hurt me and you don't want to hurt this right?" Danny asked, gesturing towards the sack causing Valerie to ask "Why do you even care?" Skulker made himself visible as he looked at the two confused. "No hitting? Why is there no hitting? I'm changing the rules of this hunt."

Skulker presses a button on his wrist as a bunch of zappers appears from the ground where Danny and Valerie stood. "I knew it, it's a trap!" "No! It's not me! It's-" Danny tries to explain before he was cut off and the two were electrocuted, knocking them unconscious. I let out a sigh as the 'baby' finally quiets down and I put it in the crib mom had dug out of the attic, that now resided in my room. I carefully step away from the crib, sighing again once it was safe to say the sack was 'asleep'. I go over to my desk and plug in my earphones as I pulled out my journal and began to write about what happened today at the Nasty Burger.

Yeah it was dangerous to write about this stuff but this was all I could really confide in, yes there was Danny but I just couldn't, I didn't want to lose my best friends or for my worst fear to become reality. But I had found a loose floorboard in my room that I hide the journal in and cover it with a rug. As I start to write my ghost sense goes off and I yank my earbuds out to see Skulker flying off with my 'baby'.  I let out a growl as I shove the journal under the floorboard and go ghost; flying outside I look around for Skulker when I feel this intense shock behind my back and I fall to the ground. 

The shadow of a silhouette walks up to me and when I look up I see Skulker holding a net with an unconscious Danny and Valerie inside it as he tossed the 'baby' a few times before I blacked out. All three of us wake up in a daze, instinctively rubbing our heads when we notice the handcuffs on each of our wrist, tying us together.

"Greetings prey, having failed to determine which of you is the superior challenge, I've decided to hunt all three of you...At the same time!" Skulker informs us before breaking out into maniacal laughter, we looked around Danny and I coming to the same conclusion that we were on Skulker's island in the Ghost Zone when Valerie started to freak out throwing us around thanks to the handcuffs.

"HELP! What is this place? Who's he? What's going on here?!" She shouts as Danny and I get up and he explains while rubbing his shoulder. "Ok, in order: This is the Ghost Zone, that's Skulker, Ghost Zone's greatest hunter, and other than you dislocating my shoulder, we're about to be hunted like animals."

 Valerie let out a gasp as Skulker pulls out all sorts of guns and rockets from his suit as he tells us "I'm offering you a sporting heads start prey, I suggest you take it." Valerie lets out another shout as Danny and I start to run, dragging her behind us as I told her "Less freaking, more running!" We ducked when a net was shot at us and jumped when Skulker shot one of those tripping nets as he ran after us.

Danny outstretches his arm and tries to summon an ectoblast but it was quick to die down; he gives me a confused look and I try to do the same but is also met with the same results, looking at our handcuffs I state "These handcuffs must cancel out all our ghost powers." We stop abruptly when we stumbled upon one of Valerie's guns but it was clearly a trap, you could even see the string attached to the gun, unfortunately, Valerie didn't see the obvious trap and picked up the gun as we tried to stop her.

 "No don't! It might be-" We were cut off when the tree trunk next to us start shooting blow darts and we fell to the ground. "Booby-trapped, see that's why I took the time to explain the whole Ghost Zone's greatest hunter thing."

Danny blankly stated, more than a little aggravated when Skulker's shouts could be heard and Valerie dragged me to my feet but Danny hadn't moved; tugging the handcuffs she exclaims "Get up he's coming!" "I can't...move," Danny said as he fell to the ground again and Skulker's voice could be heard.

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