Reign Storm: Part 10

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"What?! Danny, (s/n), no! You can't!" Sam exclaimed as we landed. "Sam, we're the only ones who have a chance to save our lives." Danny explains when Tucker points to the suits saying "Somebody outta tell her that." We look over to see Valerie in her suit as she slapped the mayor away. "I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to step away from the suits," Danny calls out to her and she glares up at us saying "Back off Spooks! I don't know how you got inside the Fenton's ghost shield but this is my fight."

"No, it's not. Not anymore." I tell her when Damien walks down and drops his tools to see everyone unconscious and he asks "Hey! What's going on in here?!" Sam and Tuck take this opportunity to sneak back upstairs. "You're not the boss of me!" She shouts at us and Danny and I give each other a look as he pulls down her mask revealing her identity as I cheekily tell her "No, but he is."

"Valerie?!" He questions as said girl starts to screech in anger. "You're dead for this! You hear me?! DEAD!" "Technically we're already dead." I point out with a smirk and Valerie goes to blast us when her dad grabs her as she struggled to break free while Danny and I grab the ecto skeletons and fly to the roof. "You've been battling ghosts all this time? Are you ok?" Damien worriedly asks his daughter as he sets her down. 'I'm...I'm fine." She says blankly as her dad starts to yell. "Then you are in so much trouble!" We hop into the ecto suits and activate the neuroreceptors and watch as the suits change into our ghostly suit colors with our logos on the chest. "I can see you over there you know." 

I hear Danny say and we turn around to see Sam and Tucker peeking from the rooftop door. They run up and start to plead at us. "Danny please," Sam tried again and I state "C'mon guys, you didn't always think it was gonna be as easy as shoving the Box ghost into the Fenton Thermos did you? We'll be back."

"Mrs. F used the word fatal," Tuck says. "Guys, we'll be back. But if there's anything you wanted to say to me now might be an excellent time to do it." Danny tries to reassure the two as he glanced from me to Sam. "I...I-" Sam and I say in unison when thunder was heard and we see red clouds with lighting as Pariah's face appeared.

"Humans! Hear my decree!" He shouted out as Danny uttered "Well, that's our cue. Tuck, we'll need you to drop the ghost shield on our way out ok?" Danny says and Tuck gives a nod with an "Okay. Be careful dudes." We watch as our friends runoff and we begin to fly away with everyone cheering when we hear Paulina scream "Go get him Inviso-Bill and Intan-Jill!" "It's not Inviso-Bill OR Inan-Jill! It's Phantom! Danny Phantom and (s/n)!" 

Danny shouts back as I roll my eyes when we enter the Ghost Zone and give Amity Park one last glance before making our way to Pariah's keep. Our eyes widen in shock as we notice the large army covering the entire land where the Palace was floating. "Maybe if we try to pick these guys off one at a time," Danny mumbles as he summons a small blast and we watch the small ball fall down before a huge explosion came. "Aha! 100 full huh? That doesn't reek!" Danny celebrates so I make a fist and summon a large blast destroying a big group of the army.

I feel pain shoot through my body as I lean down a bit stating "Woah, ok we gotta be smart about how much of our own power we can use at once." Danny gives a stiff nod as he creates a shield in front of us when the army started to shoot arrows at us. "Still not reeking!" Danny shouts as we kept on blasting away the skeletons. Soon the skeletons started to pile up on us and we used a big blast to annihilate them which really took a toll on us.

Before the skeletons could tackle us again a blast was shot sending them back and we look up to see the Spector Speeder with Sam and Tuck inside as Sam says "In general I'm pretty opposed to violence but I'm willing to make an exception in this case." "Get out of here guys! It's too dangerous for you to be here!" Danny and I shout in unison at them when Tuck tells us "We're not staying, we're just making a delivery."

 They open the bottom hatch of the Spector Speeder and we watch as all the ghosts come falling out and Sam and Tuck leave. "How did they cram all of you into the Spector Speeder?" Danny questions arching an eyebrow when Ember shouts "Hey! You ever been inside your stupid thermos?! Compared to that it was the Taj Mahal in there." 

"Less talking more fighting!" Skulker then shouts as weapons were pulled out and everyone started to fight. "BEWARE! For my place of employment has given me a new weapon: The Bubblewrap of DEATH!" The Box ghost shouted as Climper let out his ice breath giving the Box ghost enough time to wrap up the skeletons and kick them down the hill.

"Now will you be my friend?" "NEVER!" Everyone used their powers to fight when Skulker called us over. "Now go! Defeat him so I will free to hunt you another day." I feel my face start to make the really? face and turn towards Ember.

"Guy really knows how to motivate ya." We shoot our way into the castle and into the throne room as we mumble "Well, this is it." "A little ragged around the edges eh children?" Pariah asks and we fly up to him as I say "What do you say we ditch the snappy banter and get right to the part where we kick your butt?" "Very well, I accept your terms!" (You do realize you just said you'd let us kick your butt right? *pulls out all sorts of weapons* This is gonna be fun.)

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