Identity Crisis: Part 3

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"Neither can I but you don't hear me shouting it to the heavens. I don't do that anymore." While Danny, Sam, and Tucker were bowling Technus threw a bus at a crowd of people and while everyone did run away there was one little girl who was frozen in shock and I raced down and grabbed her before the bus collided with the ground. I go back to fight Technus when Phantom flies past me with a grappling hook and he uses that to start tugging on Technus which earned him a 'joyride' as I facepalmed. 

"Great gobs of ghost goop! Danny and (y/n) will wanna see this!" Jack shouts as he gets up from the table after he saw the news report when Jazz stepped in his path shouting "They're not here! I mean those two are probably on a date." She gives a closed eye smile just as Danny walks in saying "Sup." "Danny!" Jack and Jazz say in unison though in different tones as Jack drags his son to the tv where it showed me and Phantom flying.

"Danny, get a load of this." "Ghosts? Who cares? Gonna meet Sam, Tucker, and (y/n) at the pier." Danny says as Jazz points from the screen to Danny stumbling over her words. "But you...But he...But-AGH! That can't be Danny!" "I'll say, no son of mine says who cares about ghosts?" I had met up with Sam, Tucker, and Danny at the pier; there was no point in me fighting Technus when Phantom wouldn't even let me help since 'he's got this'. We were reaching the top of a hill on the roller coaster as Danny says "Man, this is the life. I wish we could stay on this ride like forever." 

As if abiding by his wish the park shut down and the rides stopped as Sam stated "And you may just get your wish." We look over to see Technus draining all the power from the generators with Phantom still pulling on the grappling hook to move Technus away when he was grabbed and tossed away. "Why couldn't you wish for supermodels?!" Tuck asked throwing his hands up into the air when Phantom flew up asking:

"Did someone say super?" Sam and I deadpanned at Phantom as Sam mutters "Somebody kill me." "Sorry Sam, I left my gun at home," I say as we watch Phantom fly up to Technus who shouts "Tremble before the power of Technus 2.0!" "Wait a minute...Electric streetcar, powerline, generator...You've been recharging yourself all night! Technus 2.0 is a wattage wasting wastrel!"

No duh, Sherlock how long did it take you before you figured that out? An ectoblast was shot at Phantom and he was sent flying back to us as he said "Relax citizens Danny Phantom is on the job!" I let out an aggravated sigh, I needed to get off this coaster so I could help when Sam whispered "Danny shouldn't you do something?" "What? He said relax." Danny said my anger slightly boiling, seriously what was Danny's problem today and what happened? Before I could do anything the Spector Speeder flew up with Jack in it as he said "Hop aboard son! Oh and you too (y/n), your old man's gonna show you how to catch a ghost." 

We were both pulled into the Spector Speeder as Jack pushed the carts forcing the ride to continue as I run to the back of the Spector Speeder and go ghost. The Spector Speeder flies in Phantom's way as a shot was charged and a gun appeared.

"Dude-uh Dad? I dunno about this..." Danny tried to voice his concern but was met with the controls in his face as his dad told him "Now your gonna wanna nail him right between the eyes. Now waste him!"

Phantom was shocked in fear as he stayed in the range of the blast Jack forcing Danny's hand on the blasting button as he said "Take the shot son. Make your old man proud." Seeing what was going on I pushed Phantom out of the way just as the shot was about to be fired and Danny pushed his father causing the blast to go flying past me and Danny fell out of the Spector Speeder.

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