Fright Night: Part 3

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I walked down into the lab to see the ghost portal open, sighing I go ghost and fly into the Ghost Zone, soon catching up to Danny as I watched from afar. Both of us let our jaws drop when the castle came into view. "Desperate times, call for desperate measures," Danny mumbled to himself as he flew in. Flying in, I see a stairway leading up when huge axes came swinging towards us; quickly dodging I go to scream for Danny when he sees the axes and he dodges the first one but was cut from the others.

"AAAAHHH! Oh right, rule number one: In the Ghost Zone, ghosts can be hurt." We continue our way up when we see more axes heading our way and we started dodging anyway we could, ranging from backflips to ducking. Danny hops through the door to find spikes piercing the walls as they started to close.

Danny starts to race to the other door, me in tow a few feet behind him as the spiked walls get closer and closer when Danny says out loud "Wait, that's right! Ghosts can get hurt here, but humans have it made!" We quickly transform as the walls shut and Danny reaches the throne room before transforming again. I transform again as well and watch as Danny walks up to the glowing green sword that was stuck in the purple pumpkin. He grabs hold of the sword and once he notices nothing happens he starts to tug the sword from the pumpkin as he murmurs "And this place gives me the creeps, which means it'll scare the pants off Lancer!" Suddenly the skeletons scattered around the room start to wake up and surround Danny. 

"Danny, look out!" I shout grabbing him and flying out of the way of their grasp. "You guys need to eat more red meat." He puts himself in a fighting stance while I charge up an ectoblast when they start to bow.

"Uh...That's right! You know badness when you see it." Danny exclaims putting his hands on his hips when I turn him around and point at the pumpkin. "What?" We watch as a green mist appears, the ground where the pumpkin sat, exploding as the shadow of a figure appeared and bats start flying towards us.

It was the Fright Knight and he looked exactly as the book depicted him; he let out a shout as he turns his attention to us stating "Fools! You have released me. Return to me, my sword so my reign of terror can reign anew." He outstretches his arms, gesturing for the sword to be returned as Danny told him "I can bring the sword back by midnight, but the reign of terror is kind of a deal-breaker." "It was not a request Whelp. It was a demand!"

He flies towards us, punching the ground where we had originally stood. Zapping a window we fly through it as we make our escape. Grabbing a nearby pumpkin, the Fright Night smashes it to the ground; another cloud of green smoke appears to reveal his steed, ready to fly. He hops on it and begins his chase after us. "Woah, ecto storms flaring up." Mom stated pointing at the screen Maddie was holding.

"Better alert the local townsfolk. CODE FIVE, CODE FIVE, CODE FIVE! This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill!" Jack shouted through a microphone, causing the townsfolk to give our parents a weird stare. "Is uh...Is this thing on?" We looked back to see the Fright Knight was catching up to us as he shot ecto-rays at us. Dodging I start to shoot ectoblastic at him when I hear Danny say "Yes! Home sweet, home." He turns around and we shoot a big ectoblast at him, knocking him off his horse and he grabs the reigns, causing the horse to stop. We fly through the portal and I quickly punch the shut button as we watch the door close, the Fright Knight ramming into it. Danny starts to fly off mumbling a thank you to me as I race after him, calling out his name.

The Fright Knight forced open the door, with a scream as he began his search. "Where is he?" Sam questions as she walked around the building looking for Danny when he phases his finger through the floor, tapping Sam's ankle. She let out a scream as she looks down and watches as Danny comes back up.

"You think that's scary? Get a load of this." Danny shows Sam the sword as she asks him "You went into the Ghost Zone and stole the Fright Knight's sword?!" "Stole, borrow, semantics, you worry too much." He places the sword into the ground and it begins to glow and it shoots a ray through the roof, green clouds surrounding the building as lighting strikes, bringing life to Dash's stuffed zombies and his scream was heard "AAAHHH! ZOMBIES!"

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