Memory Blank: Part 1

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"Guys, c'mon we're gonna be late for school. Guys? Guys!" I shout putting my hands on my hips as me and Sam try to pry Danny and Tuck away from the truck sitting in front of them. "Isn't it everything I told you it would be and more?" Danny asked and Tucker replied with "You did not lie dude, you did not lie." They continue to look at the truck stating in unison "The Gi-Normo 6000..." Walking over Sam pulls herself up to look at the note attached to the window as she read off the list.

"Seats made of owl leather, internal wood paneling from the Amazon rain forest, 12 gallons to the mile?! This car is an environmental nightmare!" Sam shouted and I nod my head in agreement, those poor owls. Walking up Sam whispered to Danny "I know what you should do," "No." "You could totally haunt this place, scare people away from here and make em buy something else!"

"No." "Cut it out Sam, it's a cool truck. Besides this wouldn't be the first time one of your bad ideas got Danny into trouble." Tucker said, all three of them disregarding the fact that I was there as they talk in their normal voices and I roll my eyes, interested to hear what Sam had done as she asked "What are you talking about?"

One month before school started and one day before (y/n) moved in:

All three of them were in the lab as Sam pulled up a camera and took the photo of Danny standing in front of the shut off portal, holding his suit while saying "Smile." "Okay, I showed you the portal, can we get out of here now? My parents could be back here any minute, besides they say it doesn't work anyway." Danny said as Sam walked closer stating "C'mon Danny a Ghost Zone? Aren't you curious? You gotta check it out!" She encouraged him as he peered in stating "You know what? Your right, who knows what kind of awesome super cool things exist on the other side of that portal." He slips on the white and black suit and zipped it up, Sam stopping him before he could go in. "Hang on, you can't go walking around with that on your chest."

She says, peeling off the Jack Fenton face sticker off of his chest and Danny walks into the portal, hand sliding over the button as a bright green light flashed and Danny let out a horrific scream as Ghost DNA infected his, his hair turning white, eyes a shade of acid green and the suit switched colors from white and black to black and white as he soon stumbled out, phasing out of Sam's and Tuck's arms.


"How is it bad I was there? If it wasn't for me, he'd be flying around with his dad's face on his chest, know how you can say thank you? By crushing a few trucks!" She says pointing at Danny and then gesturing towards the trucks, my eyes a bit widened at Sam, she was the one who gave Danny ghost powers?! "Sam I'm the good guy, so unless these super awesome trucks are being used for evil, I can't do anything." "Harming the environment isn't evil?" I question, raising an eyebrow as Tuck states "Except wonder if it's got a GPS satellite guidance system." "And rims, big spinning rims." (No, all three of them don't realize they practically revealed Danny's identity to you. lol)

They utter as they continue to stare as Sam drags me stating "I give up, I just wish somebody would destroy these stupid trucks." "Well it's about time you made a wish, and so you have wished it, so shall it be," Desiree said zapping at the plastic cow at the Daisy Dairy Diner and it hops off the roof and smashes one of the trucks just as Danny said, pressing a button. "I wonder what this button does?"

 The two back up towards the other truck as Danny shouts "Get away fiend! Whatever you do, leave this truck alone!" Turning around the cow raises its leg and somehow sprays Danny and Tuck with milk. "Aw man, I just became lactose intolerant." It was after the fight and we were on our way back to school as Tucker complimented Danny for defeating the cow.

"Yeah well, it hasn't stopped Sam from busting my chops about cruelty to unliving plastic animals." Danny said, using his head to point at Sam as she tells him "I had to choose between fake cows and evil trucks, the cow won." I raise my hand saying "I second that," I let out a gasp as I see a poster for the latest movie as I race over to it stating "Oh my gosh, I almost forgot Trinity of Doom is out this Friday! Femalien vs. Terminatra vs. Nightmerica. All mine and Sam's favorite female movie monsters in one film!" Sam and I gush over the poster as the boys walk up to us, Tucker asking "So it's a chick flick?" Looking down Danny mutters an "Oh, duh," as he uses the opportunity to go intangible and let the milk fall.

Tucker coughs a "Hello." And Danny taps him, letting the milk fall off of him as mine and Sam's attention turn towards them again and Sam says "Not just a chick flick, The chick flick, the three biggest female box office monsters battling it out in a big-budget special effects Speranza! And since you promised we'd all go on Friday, I bought us tickets."

 "Danny? (y/n)? You never told me whether or not you were coming to my quinceanera on Friday." We heard Paulina say as she walked over to us, handing over our invitations as Danny told her "That's because when you invited me I thought you were joking." I then chime and soon Tucker and Sam do too. " I thought that it was a rouse for you to embarrass me." "And that you forgot to invite me." "And remembered not to invite me."

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