13: Part 3

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Rushing to the lab I see Jazz about to open the Fenton Portal for Johnny when I clear my throat with a disappointed look, catching their attention as I ask, "Jazz what do you think you're doing?"

"Not that it's any of your business but I'm trying to hang out with Johnny, now leave us alone."

"Really? Cuz it looked like you were about to open the Fenton Portal for him, don't you find it suspicious he wants you to do that?"

"No, and again it's none of your business so stop being nosy."

"No. I'm making it my business now and as your friend Jazz I'm trying to look out for you by telling you Johnny is suspicious and you should stay away from him."

"He saved my life! I think he's trustworthy," Jazz crosses her arms defiantly and I go to argue some more when Jack's voice rings from the staircase.

"Jasmine Fenton! You know you're not allowed to bring unauthorized personnel down here!"

"You know better!" Danny's parents yelled as they all raced down the stairs. 

"You were about to let some strange punk activate the Fenton portal?!" Jack and Danny asked in unison, causing the two to give each other a side glance. 

"Hey lay off, we weren't doing nothing Pops," Johnny argued.

"His name isn't Pops," Maddie and I hiss at him before giving each other that same side glance as Johnny made his way out.

"I'll walk you out Johnny," Jazz says before glaring at Danny and me. "And could you two be any more like them?" 

"I am not like them!" We all shouted at Jazz.

"This is awkward." 


Danny, Sam, Tucker, and I made our way to our lunch table as Danny caught them up to speed about what was going on.

"I'm not like them, am I?" Danny asked, grinning I nodded as Sam lists off how he's like his parents. 

"Let's see, you're stubborn, overprotective, your last name is Fenton, and you hunt ghosts." 

"The only thing you're missing is a hazmat suit, goggles, and the wonder gut," Tucker chimed in as we sat down and began to eat when two kids left because Tucker had developed a new reputation known as 'Bad Luck Tuck'.

As Tucker shouted he wasn't bad luck his spoon flew out of his hand into a nearby hornet's nest, causing them to attack and sting everyone.

"Suddenly techno-geek sounds like a term of endearment..." Tucker mutters, shirking away from everyone's glare.

After school, Danny and I started to head home, rolling our eyes at Wes who was following us, somehow he had concluded that we were the ghost kids and started following us around school, he had even joined the student council to keep an eye on me, and through the council he learns about ghost attacks just as I do, meaning his appearances would become frequent. As we walked we watched as Jazz hopped onto Johnny's bike and they drove off, Danny handing me his backpack before chasing after the two.

Sighing I quickly rush home and go ghost, sneak out, and start to chase after them as well. When I finally caught up I saw Danny fighting Shadow and I flew up to them to help. We were close enough to the hill Johnny and Jazz were at to hear and see what was going on as Johnny asked Jazz out.

"Jazz, I've been thinking, and you know I know this is kinda quick but," He pulled out Kitty's ring and offered it to her as he asked, "How'd you like to be my girl?" 

We blast a hole through Shadow but he fills himself back up as Danny mutters, "Suffering spooks. Suffering spooks? Oh man, I am becoming my dad!" He began to shout in fear as I arched an eyebrow at him and dragged him away from being hit as I scolded him. 

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