Life Lessons: Part 3

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"Welcome to Nasty Burger, may I take your order?" We heard as we got up and Danny blasted the machine as he grumbled to himself once he saw Valerie. "Oh so she's to busy to watch the kid but when it comes time to kick our butts, she's front and center," We began to chase Valerie as we started shooting ectoblasts as Danny asked, "Don't you have anything better to do?" "This IS what I do!" She shouts back, dodging our attacks and using her gun to blast back at us and we crashed to the ground.

"At last people hitting people, is there anything more beautiful?" Skulker asked as he continued to watch the fight. We fly back into the air and start blasting at Valerie again, when she shot back at us Danny let out a yelp as he pulled me closer by the waist and went intangible and the shots went flailing around the Nasty Burger.

One of the shots hit the Nasty Burger sign and it began to topple over towards Tucker. I let out a gasp as Danny shouts for Tucker and races to him, turning him intangible just in the nick of time. "Thanks, but this is gonna cost you extra." "Bill me later, right now I gotta stop this fight before somebody gets hurt," Danny exclaimed as he went invisible, flew behind a car, and transformed. Seeing what Danny was doing I zap Valerie's ride and she's sent flying as I race behind the Nasty Burger and transform as well. Once she flew back, Valerie began searching for us but only found the confused students as she mumbled "No ghost kids, I better get out of here before this gets any worse."

 With that she flies off, causing Skulker to get angry as he states "Oh this is ridiculous, I could have skinned all three of them by now." Once everything had calmed down we all met back up and Tucker started to shout. "I oughtta bust you for child engangerment, there there Daddy's here, Daddy loves you, yes he does."

He shoves Danny's sack back into his arms before cradling his own sack, causing Sam and me to cross our arms and she says "Uh Tucker? Point of information: It's a sack of white powder that you almost got killed over!" She grabs the sack away from Tucker before smiling at the sack her eyes softening by more than a fraction as she licks her finger and wipes away some dirt.

"I'm gonna have to charge you extra Danny, hazard pay, and all." Tuck said, outstretching his hand for the money as Danny hands him another five dollar bill while rolling his eyes. "Fine, whatever. Right now I just wanna find Valerie and give her our kid and a piece if my mind." He stated, turning around and slamming into Nasty Ned again. Anger beginning to boil Danny shoved him out of the way asking him to move. "I can't carry this thing during football practice!" "Hello?! You have protective padding, all I have are pom-poms!" 

We heard Dash and Paulina arguing, an idea sparking in Tucker walked up to them. " Hi! I couldn't help overhearing and I think I have the solution to your child care dilema." Sam and I gave each other a look of oh boy, here we go, Tucker was smart, we didn't doubt that but the only reason his business didn't stick was because he kept getting swept up in the heat of success. I give a quick wave to Sam, mouthing "Good luck." And took my 'baby' home to feed.

At Valerie's place, she was working out as she looked at a newspaper article that read Are the ghost kids dating? She continued to do her pull-ups, glancing around a few times at the other articles, photos, ecto samples, and weapontry in the room. "You can run ghost kids, but you can't hide!" She muttered when a knock at her door was heard and Danny's voice could be heard on the other side.

"Valerie! It's Danny and Jr," Valerie opened the door to be met with the sack being pushed into her hands as he stated, "Your taking the kid, NOW." "B-but my job-" Valerie started when Danny cut her off, crossing his arms, eyebrows starting to knit together. "I know all about your stupid job." "What?! Who told you about that?" Valerie demanded to know as she kicked away a gun from view. "Doesn't matter, the free ride's over. Now get your lazy butt in gear and start pulling your weight." Danny starts to head home when Valerie's voice echoed through the hall. "Danny wait! Please? You don't understand, if I flunk Testlaff's class, my Dad will kill me."

 At that moment the 'baby' decided to soil its diaper, a smirk appearing on Danny's face as he told her "Great, then you might want to think about changing that diaper." He began to walk away again, leaving Valerie with the sack as she went back inside, trying to figure out what to do with it. "Hm, clearly those sacks are very valuable to all three of them, which gives me an idea." Skulker muttered as he watched Valerie from afar.

He goes invisible and grabs the 'baby' out of Valerie's hands and she watches it move around from the celing before going out into the hall, catching Danny's attention. "Skulker?!" Danny questions as he transforms into his ghost half, glaring at the other ghost.

"What are you doing?" "Framing you." He simply says before shouting in the 'baby's' face, causing it to wail as Danny pleas for him to stop. He's then tossed the sack and Skulker disapears just as Valerie barged out of her apartment to see Danny holding the sack.

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