Parental Bonding: Part 5

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"You're on," Valerie sighs and Tucker throws his fists in the air.

"I'll take it! Some may call it the rebound but I call it a yes. I got a date! Woo, and the pants are still on!"




It was the day of the dance, and Danny, Jazz, and I were watching our parents get ready. 

"I don't understand why I have to wear this stupid thing," Mr. Fenton complained to his wife.

"Because it's Danny's first dance. Jack if we're gonna chaperone this thing we have to make sure we don't embarrass him," She finishes tying his tie when Mon walked into the room with her dress on.

"C'mon, how would we embarrass him?"

"I think it's great when you guys do anything that doesn't have something to do with your sick obsession with ghosts," Jazz interjected with a proud smile.

"It's funny...I don't even remember volunteering to chaperone the dance it's all a vague blur," Mr. Fenton admits and my Mom nods in agreement.

"Same here I don't even remember going anywhere when we supposedly volunteered."

I nervously look away, choosing to drink the cup of water Danny had given me instead when Jazz turns to us.

"By the way Danny? (y/n)? Just so you know I'm on to your little secret."

 On cue, Danny and I spat out water at Jazz as we asked  in unison, "W-what secret?"

Smirking at us Jazz replied with, "The clumsiness? The nervousness? I can't believe I didn't figure it out before. You two are dating!" 

"It's a lie I'm not a ghost!" We shouted again in unison before the gravity of what she said hit us.

 We looked at her confused for a moment not realizing what we just said before I told Jazz, "No we're not dating. Danny already has a girlfriend and he asked her out to the dance," I crossed my arms as Danny then tried to explain. 

"No she's not my girlfriend, she's just going to the dance with me." 

Looking happy for his son Jack said, "That's great! I can meet her and talk about ghosts!"

"Oh, my mistake then but better let her know that your family is insane now Danny if you marry her and she finds out later that's entrapment," Jazz tells Danny with a smug look.

Sighing Danny headed for his room muttering "I better get ready."

I followed him as I heard him still muttering to himself.

"Okay, so I'm gonna have to dance with Paulina and keep my Dad from embarrassing me...I can handle that."

Putting my hand on his shoulder I noticed he was frowning so I bopped him on the nose and teased him. "Tag your it," I rushed towards his room with a laugh as he chased after me. 


The boys had finished getting ready and we were on call with Sam waiting for her to give us more information about the ghost dragon that appeared in the mall.

"Tie straight, shirt tucked in, unbreakable ghost fishing line tucked neatly away just in case, what's taking so long with that dragon research Sam?" Danny asked Sam impatiently as he made sure he was ready. 

"Alright jeez, here I'm sending you the link," Sam said as she typed away on her computer.

A browser pulled up on Danny's laptop showing a picture of a dragon with info on it. 

Taking a closer look I gasp and say "No way you guys are researching that dragon too?"

Getting a bit nervous Danny told me "Uh yeah...Hey, that's it. Medieval ghostly legend held that the cursed amulet of Aragon could transform anyone to dragon form in states of extreme emotional duress or anger," Danny read aloud as he zoomed into a picture and recognized the amulet.

"Hey, that's the amulet I gave Paulina. It must've accidentally fallen into my backpack- wait you mean I'm going on a date with a dragon?" Danny asked worriedly. 

Sam and I started to smirk at Danny as she stated "As we said: Looks are deceiving. I'm sure you boys will have a wonderful evening, you too (y/n)," With that, Sam hung up.

"She really wants to go to the dance," Danny stated looking at us. 

Getting defensive Tuck stated, "But she said she didn't want to."

"We're her best friends we should've known."

 I couldn't hold it in any longer as I began laughing at them. Once I had finally calmed down from laughing I told them what the deal was.

"Oh please I knew she wanted to go but when I asked if she wanted to go as friends with me she refused. She said something along the lines of she wanted to see how long it was gonna take for you two to realize she wanted to go. The only reason I'm going is because my parents are chaperoning the dance too."

Crossing my arms I looked at them with a smirk as they looked at their feet with a guilty expression. 

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now right?" Tucker asked. 

Waving at the boys I said, "That's all your guy's problems I'm going home to get ready. See ya at the dance boys!" 

With that, I went home to get ready, planning to make Danny regret not asking me to the dance.




 After (y/n) had left Danny had an idea. Smiling and making his eyes glow Danny looked at Tucker. 

"No way. Forget it. Absolutely not. No!" Tuck told Danny before being overshadowed and forced to go over to Sam's house. 

Tucker knocked on the door and Sam was immediately suspicious when she answered the door. "Tucker? What are you doing here? Where's Valerie?" 

Looking upset Tuck said "She kind of canceled on me. Do you think we could go together? You know as friends?"

Last Edited - June 25, 2021

Revised - March 30, 2024

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