Fanning the Flames: Part 2

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In class Lancer wat talking about standardized testing and how the machine next to him would help us study so he could get his raise, all of us had to wear these goofy hats and look at three computer screens as Lancer pressed play Ember appeared on the screen as her song blares through the speakers. Taking off the helmet me, Sam and Danny roll our eyes as the class begins to cheer and Lancer finds an Ember disc in the machine. Just when we thought it was over we heard the song start up again and Lancer began to shout at Tucker. "Foley turn off that blasted PDA!" Ducking the flying CD as he exclaimed "It's not me! It's coming from outside." A truck appeared outside with Ember giving a free live performance.

Everyone raced outside to enjoy the concert as they started cheering her name. We watched as Tucker began to shout to Ember as mine and Danny's ghost sense went off. Confused I ran off and turned ghost and soon went in search of the ghost as Mr. Lancer began to shout for everyone to go back inside and then turned his attention towards Ember. 

"Attention freakishly dressed teen idol, I order you to disease and desist!" "Desist this Grandpa!" She shouted and struck a chord on her guitar as a massive wave hit the crowd and everyone started to gang up on Lancer.

"Ember's the ghost! Oh my gosh, I gotta save this is bittersweet." Danny muttered as he went ghost and flew to Lancer and made him intangible. Flying up to the stage I charge up a blast as I say "Now to knock the pop princess...of the charts?" I look at the empty space where the truck was; it had completely vanished! "Wait where'd she go?" I ask Danny as he flies to me shrugging his shoulders with the same confused look.

Quickly transforming back we race to Tucker to make sure he was alright as he asked in disappointment "Hey, no encore? What's that all about?" The next day Lancer was walking down the hall repeating Ember's name as he shifted through magazines with cover pages of her as muttered "If I even see a hint of that woman in school today, I'll-" He was cut off when he turned the corner to find everyone wearing Ember gear and poster all over. We walk up to Tuck who was wearing an Ember wig and was wearing Ember's style of eyeliner. "Tucker, you're starting to scare me, and I fight ghosts." Danny told Tucker who responded with "It's an Ember thing, you wouldn't understand it."

 Rolling my eyes I decided to give Tucker the news. "You do realize she's an evil mind-controlling spirit from another dimension, right?" "Yeah, but you and Sam said the same thing about Paulina." Tucker pointed out.

Giving me a smirk Danny states "You know he has a point." "And it's still true." Sam said with a sigh when Paulina ran up and shouted "Hey everyone, Ember's giving away free concert tickets at Bucky's Music Mega Store! Nice hair!" Paulina complimented Tucker's wig and he gave the compliment back before basically everyone ran out screaming Ember's name.

"You people aren't going anywhere, except detention-" Mr. Lancer said trying to stop the students but was cut off because he was trampled to the ground. We were pulling Tucker, trying to stop him from going, Danny was pulling his arm and I was pulling from Danny's waist while Sam was in front trying to push him back. "Must. Have. Ember. Tickets." Tucker said as I stated, "We're going to have to deprogram him." 

That's when Danny and I noticed where I was holding, quickly we let go and began to whistle acting as if nothing happened. We were in the classroom where the new studying machine was and Sam had finished tying Tucker to the chair as I placed the helmet on his head and Danny started up the program. "This is where the healing stars," Sam told us, crossing her arms before we left to mine and Danny's locker to get our thermoses when Danny made a good point.

"I still don't get why we're not affected by Ember's music?" Opening up his locker Danny grabs his thermos and I grab mine as Sam whispers the first part "Maybe because of your ghost powers, my-" Danny quickly cut Sam off, finishing her sentence. "Udder distain for anything popular and (y/n)'s individuality and intelligence?" 

I let out a small gasp as I feel the heat rush to my face and when I look over Sam is blushing too, which left me confused; why was she blushing? Or is she just embarrassed? And if so why? While I'm pondering these things I hear her quietly mumble "Oh Danny, you know me too well." Shaking off the sinking feeling in my stomach I turn to Danny and ask "Ok, you really think I'm smart?" Danny gives me a small smile as he nods while trying his best not to make eye contact. "Your so cute when your embarrassed, you know that? I'll meet you guys at the mega store." I quickly say, giving Danny a kiss on the cheek, with a slight chuckle as I ran off when Danny started blushing like crazy.

 I didn't make it far before I bumped into Lancer and he started to drag me by my wrist as he muttered something about giving me an education, just as we were about to round the corner where Danny and Sam where I quickly turn invisible and watch as Lancer starts to make a grab for them.

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