Identity Crisis: Part 2

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"Sounds like the same old Technus to me, what do you say you shout out your plan and we get this thing over with?" Danny says and Technus responds with "Technus 2.0 does not reveal his secrets. Go on try me." He crosses his arm with a smirk as Danny and I give each other a glance. Shrugging Danny asks " Uh, boxers or briefs?" 

"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! See?" He shouts in our faces and we have to cover our ears. We're then thrown out of the building and into the dumpster as Technus flies off. Sam, Tucker, and Danny were in his room discussing what had happened. "I promised you guys a weekend-o-fun and now I gotta spend it tracking down Technus...I just wish there was some way I could do both..."

Danny trails off as an idea pops into his head as he goes ghost and grabs the Fenton Ghost Catcher. "The Fenton Ghost Catcher! Sponges all things ghostly." "Danny, wait you don't need to do this. We don't mind spending the weekend fighting ghosts with you." Sam exclaimed as Tucker chimes in with "And I'm sure (y/n) won't mind either." "I mind! My ghost fighting life and my personal life are always interfering with each other!" Danny stated crossing his arms causing Tuck to ask "You have a personal life?" (Hey, that's what I ask my younger brother) "Well, I will now." Danny quickly says before flying through the catcher.

The two watch in horror as they watch Danny's ghost half and his human half split into two. "At last! I'm Danny Phantom! Full-time superhero!" Phantom said while tying a bed sheet on to act as a cape when Danny spoke up. "Yeah, sure whatever and I'm gonna parteh as Danny Fenton. Full time uh...Fun dude." "This has bad idea written all over it," Sam muttered as they blankly stared at the two.

"I call the fun Danny!" Tuck shouts as he grabs Danny and charges out of the room leaving Sam stuck with Phantom who was proudly looking at himself in the mirror. "Say, you wear an awful lot of black for a superhero sidekick. Have you considered switching to bright primary colors?" (You don't get to complain Phantom you also wear a lot of black for a superhero) He asks Sam using the stereotypical superhero voice as Sam races out of the room calling for Tucker to wait for her.

 We were at the movies when I gave another side glance to Danny. He had changed into a shirt with a red crossed-out circle, a green flannel, and was wearing a baseball cap backward plus he had started to talk in an annoying tone of voice while acting like a complete jerk at times like now he had his feet kicked up on the seat in front of him. It had reminded me of those annoying kids at school who would interrupt class because they think it's cool when you just want them to shut up.

"Yeah, this is more like it dudes. No responsibilities, no ghost fights, no lame superheroics." We watch as he dumps his drink in the walking isle as I send him a glare as I ask him "No manners, you gonna wipe that up?"

Sam and Tuck had started to glare at Danny now as a guy walked up and slipped in the mess. "Looks like that guy's butt already has it covered." He states before letting out a burp and we continue to scold him. "Danny." "Lighten up guys, it's a free country. Besides what can a guy with a wet butt do to us?"

Danny asks snaking his arm around my waist and I was quick to push him away as Sam, Tucker, and I give the manager an awkward smile. "Not much, unless he's the manager." Sam points out just as Danny noticed the tag mumbling a bummer. "And stay out!" He shouted as he slammed the exit door. "No prob, I'll just phase us back in," Danny says as he grabs our hands and rams us into the wall. Seriously?! What is his problem? I thought he didn't want me to know about his powers. "Woah, I can't go ghost." Danny says as he looked at his hand, Sam whispering "That's not right. We should go to the lab and check this out."

"Or we could go bowling. Who's up for bowling?" Danny questions as Sam and I deadpan at Danny when Tucker shouts "I am! I call the fun Danny!" We watch the two race off and I ask "The fun Danny? Sam, what's going on? What did Danny do this time?" Sam starts to fumble over her words as she tried to come up with an excuse before shrugging and running off...Great.

"Now this is more like it, no distractions, no coversom secret identity, more time to dispense my unique brand of ghostly justice," Phantom told himself when screaming could be heard and he looks over to see Technus draining the power out of the powerlines. "Leaping lighting rods this looks like a job for Danny Phantom!" He races down towards Technus but bounces off of him due to the ghost shield. "You felonies fiend! Your ghost shield is preventing me from painfully pummeling you into a pulp!" I hear Phantom shout as I fly up in my ghost form; I came as soon as I heard screaming. I give Phantom a questioning look as he continues to speak in a superhero voice.

 "Too bad for you Danny Phantom is only half ghost!" I watch in shock as Phantom tries to detransform but only the rings appeared nothing else had changed. "Hey, I can't turn human," Phantom says as he looks himself over before being blasted away.

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