Memory Blank: Part 3

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Swiftly we hopped over two of the rockets and moved to the side for two more, with an unexpected one about to hit Danny when I push him out of the way and I feel the rocket tear through my suit and cut my arm as I grip the wound with grit teeth and let out a cry, causing Danny to blast Femalien and tell her "Alright gruesome, who sent you?" "Sam...(y/n)..." She said before fading away into nothing, Danny and I giving each other a side-eye as if to silently question what just happened.

After school, we were hanging around the park when Danny told Sam and Tuck what happened. "It said Sam and (y/n)?" "Well actually it was more like Saaaaam...(yyyyyyyy/n)," He said outstretching our names while wiggling his fingers in Tucker's face. "But you get the point."

"You can't really blame us for this can you?" Sam asked getting defensive as she gestured towards her and me. "Well it's got something to do with you two but don't worry, Paulina was saved so you don't have to apologize." I cross my arms and glared at Danny as I tell him "Good, cuz we're not gonna." He then starts digging around in his bag until he pulled out two Spector Deflectors and put one on Sam stating "You two just need to wear these Spector Deflectors and stay out of the way." Danny got up and went to put the other one on me but I was quicker as I got up and stepped away from him as both Sam and I shouted in unison "WHAT?" 

Danny tried again to put the Spector Deflector on me but again I step away while crossing my arms and he said "Girls, something weird is going on and you two are clearly the cause of it. It's probably better for all of us if you just lay low." I shook my head no at Danny indicating this wasn't happening when Tuck told us:

"Yeah girls, you should just lay low." As Danny was about to try for a third time to put the belt on me, Paulina's shouts could be heard and our ghost sense went off. "Paulina! Again? This is gonna have to wait, but it isn't over," He said to me with a pointed finger as he set the belt down on the table and said before running off "Stay here." 

"Oh we will, I promise. The same way you kept your promise about going to the movies Friday!" Sam shouted as she trailed after him and I ran off in a different direction leaving Tucker to hog all the chips. We raced to the streets to see a female cyborg with a tall ponytail, her 'skin' completely ripped away on her left eye, and her left arm completely bare for all her electronic parts to see...Terminatra. She was chasing Paulina and zapped at her, blowing a hole through the dress holder as Paulina cried out "Hey! I just got this back from the cleaners!" 

A jetpack formed on Terminatra as she sped closer and closer to Paulina, who had stopped at the water fountain mumbling "This is like the worst birthday week ever!" "Well let's see if we can't change that a little." Danny interrupted as we phased  up from the ground next to her as she began to smile saying "And now it's not." I tap on Danny's shoulder before blasting at Terminatra telling Danny "Focus lover boy!"

The blast went through Terminatra and she turned into a net as she changed her direction to us when Paulina opened her bag, pulled out two invitations, and tried to hand them to us as she said "Wait! Let me give you this if I invite you two I can uninvite Danny Fenton and his loser friends." "What?!" Danny asked, pulling his attention away from the battle AGAIN as we got caught in the net and was electrocuted.

Terminatra then throws Danny into the fountain and me into a tree, both of us transforming as Terminatra was about to hurt Danny again Sam shouted "Leave him alone!" She was racing up on her scooter and turned on her Spector Deflector on as she slammed into the fountain, Termantra falling in and melting away as she said "Sam...(y/n)..." "Man, your right! That Spector Deflector works like a charm." Sam said outstretching her hand for Danny to take as he told her "Nice save, although to be fair I probably wouldn't have needed it if it weren't for you and (y/n) in the first place." 

He grabs ahold of Sam and starts to climb out when he was shocked again, landing in the water as I walked up crossing my arms with a glare as Sam said "Uh excuse me? I save your butt and you give me grief?" "Welcome to my world remember? We should make the menu recyclo-vegetarian, we should let the gorilla out, we should sell all your dad's stuff at a garage sale." Danny said, crossing his own arms, mine and Sam's glare hardening as I stated "Anything else you wanna blame us for? World hunger? The ice age? Puberty?"

"(y/n), both monsters knew yours and Sam's name, either there's another Sam and (y/n) involved in ghost fighting or it's you two." Danny tells us with a pointed finger, causing Sam to ask "How about a thank you huh? You think Paulina would've saved your butt back there?"

"She would if she wanted me to come to her party." He retaliated standing up as I groan, after all, that he's still only thinking about that brat Paulina who wouldn't lift a finger for anyone! I began to walk away, Sam trailing behind me as both of us scoff out at the same time "Ugh, Danny I swear, there are days I wish I had never even met you!"

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