Bitter Reunions: Part 3

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Vlad, Maddie, and Jack were in the science room where a small portal sat on one of the desks. Their new invention was an experimental portal to the Ghost Zone.

"I'm telling you, Jack it won't work," Vlad stated, looking over the portal. 

"Bogus, V-man, it totally will. This proto-portal is guaranteed to bust open the wall into the ghost dimension." Jack told Vlad as he walked away to get the remote for the portal. 

Looking over the details Maddie said, "Jack these calculations aren't right and shouldn't we wait for (m/n) and (d/n)?" 

"Bonza!" Jack shouted as he flipped the on switch on the remote and the small portal started up.

Vlad peers into the swirling green portal with intrigue when it suddenly shoots out at him and he begins to scream. Quickly Jack turned the portal off as he and Maddie ran up to check on him to find his face covered in Ecto-acne.


"He was hospitalized with a horrible case of Ecto-acne. It devastated him and killed his social life. We haven't spoken since that day, but the good news is, I think that after all these years he's finally forgiven me," Jack said before rolling over to go to sleep.

With that, my parents and I start to leave to head to bed, Danny walking us out.

"Do you think Vlad's gotten over it?" I ask, turning to face him.

"I'm not really sure but I hope so." 

"For all our sakes I do too. See you in the morning." 


After another day of driving we reach Vlad's huge mansion. Looking out the window after we park I see a tall man wearing a tux, his grey hair pulled back into a low ponytail.

"Jack, (m/n) and (d/n)," He addresses our parents with a warm smile before turning his attention to Mrs. Fenton, his smile growing wider. "Oh and Maddie, you've never looked lovelier my dear. Please, please come in."

We all follow him inside, Jack and Mom being the last to enter because he slammed the door in their faces. I go to say something but cut myself off at the sheer amount of Packer's merch there was.

"What's with the green and gold? You're a billionaire, surely you could afford an interior designer," Jazz said looking around when Danny corrected her.

"Jazz hello? Football helmets, jerseys, cheese heads. He's a Packer's fanatic."

"Oh, fanatic is such a negative word but yes," Vlad said tousling Danny's hair as Jazz asked another question.

"But I don't understand, you have billions of dollars. Instead of buying this stuff, why don't you just buy the team?" 

"Because the Packers are owned by the City of Green Bay and they won't sell them to ME!" Vlad shouted angrily. When he realized he was yelling he calmed down and faced Maddie. "One of two things my wealth has of yet been able to acquire."

"Is he hitting on Mom?" Danny asked us and I nodded with a disgusted face while Jazz shrugged.

"As long as he's got working toilets and Mom says no, who cares?" 

I turn to face Vlad and try to get his attention. "Um, Mr. Masters?" 

"Oh please, no formalities just call me Vlad." 

"Uh yeah sure, Vlad you realize you left Mr. Fenton and my Mom outside right?" 

Maddie gave a small gasp as she said, "I'd better let them in." 

After making sure they're let in I start looking around with Danny when his attention falls on a signed football.

"Woah cool!" Danny awed at the ball.

"Indeed. This ball was autographed by the legendary Ray Nitschke himself. It's my prized possession," Vlad said, picking up the ball to allow Danny a closer look before coddling it.

"Head's up V-man!" Jack shouted as he tackled Vlad to the ground. "Haha, I see you still got the old moves." 

As the two got up Vlad snatched the ball away from Jack and putting it back on its stand, began shouting at him. "Give me that! I never had any old moves, all those years in the hospital robbed me of that!"

We all stared at Vlad with a look of confusion and Vlad straightened himself up again stating, "Yes...Well it gave me time to chart out a course for my life, didn't it? Make some decisions that made me very wealthy, very quickly and it never would have happened without you Jack." 

"Uh yeah, maybe we should go," (d/n) said looking more than a little freaked out. 

"No, no you should stay here with me! That's the whole reason I'm throwing the reunion here in my castle, the previous home to the legendary Wisconsin Dairy King. Just so I could reconnect with you Jack, oh, and you (m/n) I insist you stay," Vlad said showing a portrait of the Wisconsin Dairy King. 

"Well I don't know, we do have a really cool RV..." Jack trails off which causes Jazz to cough into her hand.

"Let's stay here." 

"Smooth," I mutter, arching an eyebrow at her.

"You know Jack, the Dairy King's ghost could haunt these very halls," Vlad told Jack gesturing towards his house.

This immediately changes Jack's mind as he rushes back to the RV for our things. "I'll get the bags!"


I wake up to my ghost sense going off and I groan trying to blink away the sleep. 

"You've gotta be kidding me. Don't tell me Vlad was telling the truth about the Cheese King's ghost haunting the place. I'm supposed to be on vacation!" I mutter to myself as I start to get up and go ghost.

Flying into the hallway I see the vultures from two days ago grab Jack before Danny intervenes, phasing him through the floor before flying up next to me.

"Hey! What gives?" The fez vulture asks in confusion when I clear my throat.

"Hi, guys! Remember us?"

Last Edit - July 10th, 2020

Revised - June 6th, 2024

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