My Brother's Keeper: Part 3

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"It's worse than I thought," Jazz mutters to herself, watching Danny and (y/n) run off when a kid comes shouting from down the hallway as he rounded the corner.

"A freakishly large hornet! AH!" The boy quickly jumped into a locker slamming the door on his leg. "Aaaah! My leg!"

Jazz looked around the corner where the boy had come from to see the giant ghost hornet that the boy had mentioned and just her luck it looked right at her. Jazz screamed as the bug flew up and started licking her face as it grabbed hold of her. 




Danny and I fly around the corner after finding hiding places to go ghost and see a giant ghost hornet licking Jazz.

"I'll grab her and get her away from that thing, you get him outside deal?" I asked, and Danny gave a quick nod as I went intangible. 

Going underneath Jazz, I fly up and grab her shoulders and she phased through the bug.

Setting her aside I shout, "Danny NOW!" 

Danny flew around the corner and kicked the bug outside shouting, "Back off ghost bug!" 

Before I followed I made eye contact with Jazz as I furrowed my eyebrows telling her, "Stay here." 

I fly outside to find Danny mocking the ghost bug.

"Somebody call for an exterminator?" Danny asked with a growl.

"My you are clever, aren't you? Swat this big boy!" The ghost bug stated, racing towards us with his stinger pointed at us. 

Danny lifted his arms and over his head out of instinct while I created a force field to protect myself. The stinger scraped Danny's arm and I was thrown off balance as we both hit the ground, Danny screaming in pain. 

"I should've gone intangible, idiot! I'm not getting better at this, I'm getting worse." 

Danny muttered to himself while I gave chase to the pest. I managed to grab a leg and swung the hornet off to the side before he charged at me. I grabbed his legs again and moved my head from side to side as the ghost bug kept trying to bite me. Finally, the bug flipped me around and swatted me down to Danny, his stinger also scraping me on my cheek as I crashed on top of Danny. Glaring at the bug, it began to charge down at us again but this time I formed the force field around both of us as he bounced off the shield. Danny quickly got up and pointed the thermos at where the bug was with a glare.

"Alright pal, time for you to—" He was cut short when he noticed the ghost was nowhere in sight. "Gone, great another bad guy gets away. Maybe Jazz was right, maybe I am a loser." Danny muttered as we flew up to a window, unaware that we could be seen.

Grabbing Danny's wrist I began to scold him. "Danny, what on Earth are you talking about? You are not a loser, I don't know who this Jazz is but she's wrong! Please don't think of yourself like that, the only person who's thoughts of you, you should care about is you and the people you care about ok? From what I've seen the people who do care about you, think you're amazing, including me." 

Danny gave me a small smile as he hugged me but when he pulled back he noticed the cut on my cheek and he rubbed his thumb over it as he stated, "Yeah but because of my incompetence you got hurt and it's not the first time this has happened."

 Before I could tell him that wasn't true he flew off with a pout. 

"That's not true because all the scars I have since that day and will ever have, I took willingly by helping you. I hope you recognize that one day," I whisper to myself while flying away. 


Danny and I sat in his kitchen, trying to get homework done but Jazz kept bugging us, trying to 'convince' us that ghosts were real and that she saw three today at school.

"What do you mean you didn't see a ghost?" She asks us in disbelief.

"It didn't look like a ghost to me, it just looked like a big bug. So I ran like Looooser," Danny said, carrying out the O in loser as I chimed in.

"I didn't see any big bugs much less two ghost kids. Why do you care anyway?"

"I was right you two aren't gonna listen to me are you?" Jazz asks with a sigh as we respond simultaneously with a smirk.


"Well, you don't leave me any choice. Mom! Dad! Mr. and Mrs. (l/n)! Can I talk to you about Danny and (y/n)?!" She shouted sending us a smirk of her own as our parents raced up from the lab into the kitchen already asking questions. 

"What? Jazz no!" We shout at her.

"Is there something wrong with Danny and (y/n)?" 

"Is there a ghost involved?" Jack asked as Mom walked up to me and asked her question.

"Is there something you wanna talk about?" 

"That involves ghosts?!" Jack shouts again as Danny begins to stutter. 

An idea quickly formed in my head as I stated, "Actually yes. Jazz thinks she saw a ghost today."

 "Yeah, tell 'em Jazz," Danny chimed in with a smirk as our parents started pestering her about it.

"What?! Why didn't you tell us?!" Maddie shouted at her daughter.

"It would have been a good chance to try out the portable Fenton Ghost Peeler! It peels ghosts apart atom by atom," Dad explained showing a weird device as he pressed a button and the device wrapped around his body, creating a suit.

It was a bit heavy though as he fell over onto the table. 

"Well enjoy your chat," Danny said, grabbing my hand as we walked away. 

Last Edit - July 10th, 2020

Revised - June 27th, 2024

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