Parental Bonding: Part 1

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Danny and I head to the lab, bringing down some things we were asked to bring down when we notice Mom and Mr. Fenton sitting in front of the Fenton portal with a line cast into it.

"Hey Dad, Mrs. (l/n), what are you doin'?" Danny asks as we approach.

Shushing his son Jack stated. "Danny, would you keep it down? You'll scare away the ghosts," Pointing at his rod he claims, "It's the Fenton Ghost Fisher. I'm fishing for ghosts. Check out this line, coated with a specialized hog task ecto-plasmo resin that ghosts can't break. Quiet now don't wanna spook 'em."

Mr. Fenton recasts the line before his face scrunched up.

 "Woah that soda goes right through you like Sherman through Georgia. Here hang on to this I'll be right back after I use the Fenton Urinal," Danny's dad said as he shoved the Fenton Ghost Fisher into Mom's hands and ran upstairs. 

Mom hands Danny the rod stating "I'm gonna head up, I need to start planning dinner with your dad."

Just as she left the reel started moving, indicating it caught something, causing my ghost sense to go off.

"Oh no,"  Danny mumbles, pulling the rod back hard.

 Danny and I watched as a dragon stepped out of the portal. 

Roaring the dragon said, "I want to go!" 

We quickly ran away as the dragon continued pulling itself out of the portal. 

"I'll go get help!" I shouted to Danny as I raced upstairs and quickly went ghost. 




Now out of the portal the dragon grabbed Danny and began shouting in his face. "I have to go!"

 Glaring at the dragon he said, "You'll have to stand in line behind my Dad. In the meantime..." Danny went ghost and phased out of the dragon's hand. 

Realizing Danny wasn't in its grasp anymore the dragon tried to grab Danny again but he just kept flying out of the way.




 As I flew through the walls I saw that the strange ghost boy had returned and was about to become a roasted marshmallow. "I really got to catch his name," I mumbled to myself as I grabbed the ghost boy and flew out of the way of the dragon's fire.

 Quickly giving me a small smile of gratitude he flew up and kicked the dragon. This caused the dragon to fly back as the pendant it was wearing fell into Danny's bag. We flew up to the dragon ready for another attack when we noticed the dragon was reverting to an upset maiden.

 "All I wanted was to go to the prince's costume ball and my horrid Mummy wouldn't let me!" The ghost maiden explained as I helped her to her feet and led her back through the portal. 

"If that dragon suit is her idea of a costume. I'm on Mummy's side," The ghost boy comments.

I go to ask his name when I hear footsteps and I quickly fly away and de-transform before following Mr. Fenton downstairs, relieved the Ghost boy was gone.

"Phew, that's a relief," Danny mumbles as we approach, his dad soon responding to him. 

"I'll tell you what a relief is! Darn, I almost forgot!" He hands Danny two soda cans as he rushes back to the bathroom.


  At school, Tucker was asking any girl who passed by him if they would be his date for the upcoming dance and it was kind of sad to watch.

"Hey, there I-" Tuck started when the first girl turned her nose up at him answering in an annoyed voice.


 "Hi, would you-"

Not even giving him a glance the second girl said, "Forget it."

 Before Tucker could ask the third girl she raised her hand and said sternly, "No!" 

Shouting back at the girl he yelled, "I didn't ask you yet!" 

Tucker sat back down at our table while Danny, Sam, and I began eating. 

"Strike three Tuck?" Danny asked smirking. 

Looking glum Tucker stated, "Try strike 3,000."

"I don't know what the big deal is about going to some stupid dance. I don't need to be asked to some dance to know I'm special," Sam stated. 

Nodding my head in agreement I chimed in with "Right? I'd rather just be asked out on a date." 

"I-" Sam started when she noticed the boys were staring at something. "What?" 

Both Danny and Tucker continued their goo-goo eye stare as they sighed in unison, "Paulina~"

We looked over to see Paulina the most popular girl at school make her way to a tree to eat, distracting every boy who could see her. This means one guy ran his bike into a tree, another guy ran into another admirer which caused them to fall into the fountain. The boys sat back down sighing her name again.

 Looking annoyed Sam told them "Oh please Paulina? Girls like her are a dime a dozen." 

I growled in anger when the boys pulled out their change and started counting as Danny asked Tucker "How much change you got?"

"Haha, very funny. Just remember you can't judge a book by its cover," Sam said as I nodded in agreement. 

She wasn't wrong just like Dash, Paulina was the stereotypical popular kid, constantly worrying about her looks, and the current trend. With her wavy ebony hair, teal eyes, a pink crop top, light jeans, and white flats she looked like she had walked out of a teen magazine and was soaking up all the attention.

"Well, there's only one way to find out. Go on Danny go to that library and check out that book," Tuck said pointing at Paulina. 

"I can't, I get weak-kneed when I try to talk to cute girls," Danny sighed, resting his head in his hands. 

This got our attention, Sam, and I glared at Danny as Sam scoffed, "Oh and you have absolutely no problems talking to us."

 Danny stammered as he tried to come up with an excuse so I got up grabbed him and pushed him towards Paulina.

 "Skip it! Go give your weak knees some exercise," I droll, crossing my arms and watch the scene unfold.

Taking a breath Danny put his hand on the tree Paulina was eating under and made his move. "Hi I-" But before he could finish his sentence he fell into the tree before faceplanting to the ground.

Last Edited - June 15, 2021

Revised - March 26, 2024

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