Doctor's Disorders: Part 2

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After we go ghost Danny and I grab our thermoses and start to collect any bugs we could find that were all around the school. Once that was done Danny went back to Sam and Tuck, changed back, and told them "Welp, that's all of them." He then watches as another mosquito comes up and phases into Sam's skin. "Except one-" He was cut off by Dash's screaming as the three watched a small herd chasing Dash. "Or more." Danny quickly said before rushing off to the bathroom searching for Dash. "Hey Dash? Uh, not that I care but you ok?" "I don't feel so good." He answered from one of the stalls. "Yeah, this always happens on goulash day," Danny said with a sigh when a few ectoblasts shot out through the door.

"All though I've never seen goulash do that." Danny murmured as the door burst open to reveal a ghoul-like Dash. Picking Danny up by the collar Dash threw him into another stall giving Danny the perfect cover to go ghost. He phased through the wall behind Dash and smashed his face into the wall before picking him up again saying "Wish I could say I didn't want to do this but..." Danny stopped himself from throwing the punch when he noticed Dash was back to normal, delirious but normal as Danny grumbled "Ugh, I was just one cheap shot away from a semester full of payback."

Casper High had been put under lockdown and all the bitten students were sectioned off from everyone else in the cafeteria. "Why can't we see our children Mr. Faluca? This is outrageous, they're sick! They need us!" Maddie shouted into Mr. Faluca's face as he calmly tried to explain what he could. "Now I understand your concern folks but I've been instructed not to disseminate any information at this time."

He put his hands up in defense as mom shouted at him.  "But. Your. A teacher! It's your job to disseminate information!" That's when the waterworks came as Danny and I watched Jack fall to his knees and ball out " Poor Jazz, she's always been my favorite." He then pulled out a handkerchief and blew his nose, mom doing the same thing but drying the few tears that had welled up but with my handkerchief.

"Here you go Danny, don't lose this. It was your grandfather's." Jack said handing him the cloth, mom also handing me mine with a silent thank you. "Hey, Danny, (y/n) check this out." We heard Tuck call out and we turn to face him to see what was up. "What is it?" I question, one of my eyebrows arching up. He then opens up the palm of his hand to reveal one of those ghost mosquitos. "Got another one."

"Tucker! Get rid of that thing!" We shouted at Tuck in unison. "No, no! Look. It won't bite me or phase into my skin or anything." Tucker explained pointing at his palm. "That's weird I figured my ghost powers were protecting me," Danny mumbled to himself as he looked at the bug quizzically before he asked, "What's protecting you?" 

"Foley by Tucker Foley." We all said in unison while giving each other the finger guns. "Wow it's not just repelling, it's a repellent," I state with amazement laced in my voice when a tall very pale doctor? Exited the lunchroom calling attention to himself. "Hello, people I'm Dr. Bert-Rand. " "Are you from the government's disease control center?" Maddie asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Sure, let's go with that." The doctor said pointing at Maddie before saying "I can assure you that your children are in good hands and will be transferred to the creepy abandoned hospital on the edge of town." "Under quarantine?" My mom asked looking at the man with suspicion. "Yes, let's go with that too." The doctor said pointing at her with both hands as dad asked "Oh yeah? And just why should we trust you?" "Because I'm with the government and I can audit your taxes if you don't."

"We trust you," Jack said grabbing dad by the shoulders and pulling him back and away from the doctor. "Well, I don't trust him. Sam and Jazz are in that hospital and we've got to find out what's going on." Danny stated and Tucker gave us a quick wave before walking away saying "Have a good time."

"Tucker, I said we." Danny pointed out stopping Tucker in his tracks. "You also said "hospital" and besides (y/n) can help you." "No can do Tuck my parents are gonna put us in quarantine once we get back home; it's obvious that they don't trust any of this," I state crossing my arms and Danny whispers to Tuck "I go invisible, I go ghost, I'll be in and out in no time just watch."

It was later that night Danny and I had gone ghost and had met up with Tucker at the hospital. We go flying towards the place when we were electrocuted and landed at Tuck's feet. "Well, let's just come back during visitor's hours...Or perhaps not at all." "We can't do that Tucker. The fact that the hospital has a ghost shield makes it even more suspicious." Danny pointed out, pointing at the fence.

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