One of a Kind: Part 5

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While Skulker was distracted by Sam, Danny was able to move enough to kick Skulker away, freeing us both. This caused Tucker to fall trying to avoid, losing his glasses and PDA in the process. Eyeing the PDA, Skulker picked it and looked over its advanced qualities. 

"That technology...So sleek, so advanced," Skulker mumbled as he looked over his outdated technology and the PDA as an idea formed in his head. Humming in curiosity he asked, "Hmm...I wonder?" 

Taking out the broken part of the suit Skulker began to connect Tucker's PDA to his system as Tucker shouted, "Hey! I got three more payments on that!" 

Pushing Tucker aside Skulker purred. "Marvelous..." He pointed his wrist at us as an advanced gun came out of the suit.

Danny and I rushed to attack before he could shoot the gun but we were too slow as we were zapped and a pair of ecto-handcuffs appeared on our wrists and ankles. 

"Way to go Tucker! You just made the bad guy MORE bad!" Sam scolded Tucker.

"How was I supposed to know my PDA was ghost-compatible?" Tuck shrugged.

"Say goodbye to this world ghost children!" Skulker threatened when the PDA started to ring.

"What? Fly to the library? Get a book on the Eating Habits of the Purple Back Gorilla?" Skulker asked, checking the PDA before his rockets came out and flew him to the library as he shouted "No! Stop! The hunt is not over!" 

We looked down to see that we were free from the cuffs as they disappeared into thin air. 

"What was that?" Sam asked as Danny helped me off the floor. 

Rubbing the back of his head, Danny turned to Sam and stated, "Who cares? At least I got a minute to relax and figure this out."

Putting my hands on my hips and giving him a questioning stare I ask "Who cares?! Whoever that was almost kidnapped and or killed us! Not to mention putting Sam and Tucker in danger! Just think he's gonna target us again and if he knows our secret identities...We need to go after him NOW!" I finished stating pointing in the direction Skulker went when we heard Maddie shout. 

"Danny?! Where are you? Somebody here wants to meet you!"

Covering my mouth and gasping I quickly say, "Oh no! The kids that were in the room! I need to make sure they are ok!" I quickly flew off reverting back into a human, in Danny's closet.

I wait to hear Danny re-enter his room before I start banging against the doors again. I charged at the door again when Danny opened the closet and I ran right into him. We both fell to the floor, as I used my hands and pushed on Danny's chest to lift myself up when I realized I was on top of him. 

Blushing a deep shed of red I apologize. "Uh, I'm sorry...Danny. Didn't mean to knock into you; was just trying to escape."

Giving a nervous chuckle Danny gave the same deep red blush as he quickly stated, "Yeah...It's fine. Sorry, I didn't come sooner, had to escape that ghost first."

We gave each other a small smile and didn't move for a minute when we heard the door begin to open. Scrambling to our feet, we rush to the door and block Danny's mom from coming in and seeing the mess.

"Danny? (y/n)? This is Connie from Genius Magazine." 

"Don't you people ever knock?!" Danny asked in an annoyed tone, shutting the door in their face before muttering, "Jazz is going to kill me for that."

"Brooding, messy, reclusive. Now those are the signs of a true genius! Ugh if only he were a woman!" We hear Connie mumble before walking away and we sigh in relief.


At school, Danny and I were acting paranoid looking all over our surroundings as Danny kept asking, "Any sign of him?!" 

"Nope, he hasn't bothered you for thirty-eight minutes. Maybe he's hunting somebody else now," Tuck stated checking his PDA.

"How many of those things do you have?" Sam asked Tucker pointing at the new PDA. 

"Just two, good thing I beamed all your info into here and backed it up. Global thinking Danny. A sign of a quality time manager. Come on you're late!" Tuck said pushing us into the school, causing me to grab Danny's arm as we walked to class. 

After class we made a quick pit stop at our lockers and a bunch of chains shot out of our lockers, trapping him and me together.

"Danny! (y/n)!" Sam and Tucker shouted as Skulker appeared. 

"I have you two now, children!" Just as he was about to shoot us with his ray gun, his PDA pinged as Skulker read out loud, "What? Go to the newsstand and purchase a magazine with an article about purple back gorillas?"

Once again, Skulker flew off shouting as we were set free. 

Checking his PDA Tuck stated in confusion, "Hm? I have the same thing on mine." 

"Might I suggest skipping that one?" I asked nervously as Danny rubbed his arm and agreed with me.

"Yeah, I think we'll blow that one off."

We continued to stay paranoid as the day continued, Sam and Tucker trying to calm Danny and me down at the bleachers.

"Guys, eat something." 

"We can't eat now! He could be anywhere!" We said in unison, looking to see if there were any traps around us. 

Last Edited - July 9th, 2021

Revised - April 12th, 2024

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