Attack of the Killer Garage Sale: Part 4

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"Listen it's just a party, not a party PARTY, a party got it? What?! Please tell me you didn't send it. Of course, you did...WHAT?! NO! No...No, you know I love your designs. Okay! I promise I'll wear it but you should know— He hung up on me great," I mutter as I put my phone away and turn to Danny before Mr. Fenton put a box filled with parts in my hands and we walked to the shed.

"Who was on the phone?" I heard Danny ask. 

"Oh that was my best friend from my hometown, he is a fashion designer and he sent a dress for me to wear at the party," I state as Danny opens the shed door and we put the boxes down. 

Mr. Fenton dropped his box on the floor before looking around and stating, "Ya know maybe I should get rid of this junk...Ah well, that's a job for another day."

As we left the shed Danny turned off the light and muttered under his breath, "Saturday is another day." 


Sam, Tuck, and I stare at the garage sale Danny had set up, selling everything in the shed, and had somehow gotten everyone at school to show up. Danny was quick to put us to work. I had just sold the little box that Mrs. Fenton asked Mr. Fenton if he knew what it was. I turned around to give Danny the money when I noticed Danny was trying to sell a motor of some sort to Mr. Lancer.

"It's a perfectly good vacuum motor, Mr. Lancer. Only used once! Ten bucks."

 Mr. Lancer made a quick inspection of the motor and said, "Looks to be in fine shape, this should fix my hair hornet very nicely." 

As Mr. Lancer gave his money to Danny, Tuck made a quick remark before Mr. Lancer left. "Hair hornet? The crazy vacuum cleaner/ hair clipper they sell on tv? Don't you need hair for that?"

 Tucker pointed at Mr. Lancer's bald head as he glared at Tucker before saying, "Good one Mr. Foley, I'll remember that on Monday when I'm grading tests."

 Once Mr. Lancer was gone Sam and I handed Danny his earnings. 

"Just sold a toaster, you know I'm surprised your dad is letting you sell off all his stuff, he's such a packrat."

Crossing my arms and looking at Danny confused I ask, "Yeah...It is really weird. Wasn't he just saying last night that everything in the shed was of the utmost importance to him?"

Danny began to sweat a little as he began to think of an excuse for why his dad is suddenly letting everything go. "Yeah well, he's been planning to get rid of this junk for a long time. He won't even miss it...I hope."

Being his lazy self Tucker pulled out one of those tanning mirrors as he stated, "I'm pleased with the turnout today. We're doing a really brisk business."

 Counting his money Danny said, "I'm still twenty bucks short of what we need for those sweats." 

Sighing I turn to Danny but before I could say anything Sam said, "You know you're still welcome to hang with us. Mega movie marathon at my place.

Putting the cash away Danny looked at Sam quizzically as he asked, "Your place? Wow, you've never invited us to your place before." 

Crossing my arms and chuckling I point the boys with my index and middle finger at them as I state, "At least not you two. I've been to her place." 

Sam whispered into Danny's ear before finishing her sentence out loud. "I figured it's time—" For the millionth time this week Sam was cut off mid-sentence by Dash.

"Hey Fentina!"

 With this Danny quickly raced over ignoring his friends once more. 

"For you to totally ignore me for about the billionth time this week," Sam blankly stated as we watched Danny make another sale.

"Jazz is giving me so much extra school work that my computer is overloading. Got anything to make it work?"

Excitedly Danny pulled out a motherboard and Portals XL operating system disc and told Dash, "Of course! This motherboard and Portals XL operating system will make it work like it's brand new. Twenty bucks take it all and I'll even throw in this upgrade disc."

 "Done, see ya tonight, and just because I can't believe I'm saying it, I'll say it again: See you tonight."

"Sweet twenty bucks! We're in! Oh jeez, I better get to the mall before the shops close; you guys don't mind cleaning up for me will ya? Great! See ya!" Danny said as he made his way to the mall. 

While I'm shouting for him to stop Sam asked cheekily, "So now we're his cleanup crew too?"

 Looking over at Tucker, Sam noticed he was running home as he shouted, "See ya tonight!"

 "Danny! Danny! DANNY! I'M NOT GOING TO DASH'S PARTY!" I yell which makes Danny stop in his tracks and race towards me.

"What do you mean you're not going? This is our chance to be popular (y/n)!" Danny asked me worriedly. 

I give him a hateful frown as I tell him "I've been down that road and it's not a pleasant one. I want to watch movies with my real friends: people who don't judge me for me, people who don't gossip about unpopular people, PEOPLE who don't hurt others' feelings for no good reason..." 

Danny and Sam gasped at my response, tears were threatening to fall as I recalled being popular at my last school and how toxic it was. 

Turning to Danny, Sam glared at him as he tried to calm me down. "(y/n) I'm sorry I didn't know you felt that way; why didn't you tell me?"

 Glaring at Danny myself I shout, "I have tried all week! But you've been ignoring me, us: your friends."

Last Edit - July 25th, 2021

Revised - April 17th, 2024

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