Fenton Menace: Part 3

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"See? This toxic home environment is making them a nervous wreck," Jazz points out while gesturing towards us. "They need a normal family and friend outing one that has nothing to do with ghosts," It's not that I don't love and respect Jazz but if she's pulling stuff like this Danny and I can't fix the problem. "Will you please stop talking about us like we're not here?" I ask crossing my arms when I feel a poke on my back so I shout "And will you stop poking us?!" "I'm warning you!" 

Danny warns earning us another look from our families as Maddie exclaims "I dunno Jazz honey, sure Danny and (y/n) are a little high strung but I'm sure it's nothing we can't work out here," At that moment I felt my butt get slapped and I turn around with a shocked face while Danny grit his teeth and clenched his fists before grabbing an ecto-gun shouting "I warned you! Back off Punk!"

He starts shooting around the lab our familes soon taking cover as Danny looked around with a glare while holding me close protectivley. "I'll pack the sleeping bags," Maddie says and Dad states "Me and (m/n) will pack the food." "And I'll get the ghost hunting equipment!" Jack says before correcting himself after seeing all the looks he was given. "And by ghost hunting equipment I mean uh the other sleeping bags!" It was the weekend and we were about to leave as I let out a huff I was going to tell Danny today but AGAIN my parents burst into my room telling me to get ready for the camping trip. 

Maddie hops in while Jazz takes away a ghost tracker from Jack as he gets in the RV grumbling. After making sure there was no ghost hunting equipment Jazz takes the controller around her neck and turns off the weapons while we said goodbye to Sam and Tuck. "Danny? (y/n)? You guys gonna be ok?" Sam asks when she notices us shaking.

"I dunno, what if Jazz is right? What if we are going nuts?" Danny asks and Tucker tries to reassure him. "You're not going nuts; we believe you even if every other single person you know doesn't," He tells us crossing his arms when Jazz came up. "Okay little brother, little sister time to go." 

Jazz says as we make our way to the RV while she shoves Sam and Tucker away whispering "And you two leave them alone this weekend ok? They need to relax." "Jazz, I know you got Danny and (y/n)'s best intrest at heart but don't even think you can tell us what to do," Sam exclaims crossing her arms when they all notice us gasp and race around the corner. "Yeah you better run! I see you again I am gonna tear you-" Danny shouts when he sees everyone elses blank stares as I ask "You didn't see anything did you?" 

All three of them shake their heads no causing us to sigh and get in the RV after stating "But they were right there...Around the coner...We'll get in the assualt vehicle." "Not this weekend honey! This weekend it's just a regular RV." Maddie says causing Jack to groan while Sam and Tucker wave goodbye. "We'll see ya Monday." We had driven off into some sort of dessert when Jack broke the silence while scratching his arm.

"I feel positivley naked without my jumpsuit and I'm pretty sure I'm getting a rash on my unprotected forearms." "Good thing I packed plenty of Fenton Ointment," Maddie soon exclaims handing over the bottle. "Oh boy, Fointment!" "And I packed your old Berbert Instien for you Jazz." Maddie said handing the old bear to Jazz. "Mom! Stop treating me like a baby!" She shouts but soon scratches the top of the bear's head.

"Welcome to our world," Danny stated grumpily  as he shoved the stuffed animal out of her hands. "Hey! Danny I don't know why you're mad at me. I'm not the one who trashed the lab blasting imaginary ghosts." "It was one ghost...And a parrot who touched (y/n)," Danny grumbles with a frown. "Was it a ghost or a projection of your own fears and a parrot...Who touched (y/n)?" Jazz asked crossing her arms as I tell her "It wasn't his imagination! I saw them too! You don't believe us anyway so why are you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong? I had something important to tell Danny today."

 "Now kids let's not fight, who's up for a game of eye spy? (y/n) you can always tell Danny what you wanted to in the RV or when we settle for camp now then I spy with my little eyes something beginning with C!" Mom said trying to lift the mood as I slouch down in my seat grumbling while Jack tried to guess the word "But I wanted to do it alone where we could talk privatley..." "Cowboy?" Danny asks and I look out the window to see it too when Jazz asks "Where do you see a cowboy?" "Duh, he's riding right next to us...At 70 miles an hour...Oh no not again."

I exclaim when the realization hit me and the RV began to shake for a minute. "Whatever you two are doing cut it out," Jazz demanded causing Danny to shout "We're not doing anything!"

"Oh come on! Isn't anyone gonna guess what I spy begginning with C?" Mom asks when Danny and I shout in unison "Cliff!" "Very good you two!" Maddie praised us when the RV began to shake again and we got dangerously close to the cliff while Youngblood watched as the threader on the wheels pop off from his doing.

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